Artemisia annua - Sweet wormwood - Sweet Annie- Qing Hao - 120 seeds UK Seller Same Day Dispatch. Fresh seed good germination rate.

Artemisia annua is an easy to grow annual herb with many beneficial properties. It is used to treat malaria, boost immunity, reduce inflammation and for a host of other herbal treatments and remedies. The flowering stems can also be picked and used dry or fresh in flower arrangements where the sweet smell can be appreciated. Most wormwoods make a very bitter tea but this one has a pleasant sweet aroma and far less bitter taste.

Sow the seeds on the surface of a seed tray filled with good compost. Cover very lightly with vermiculite or pearlite and place in a warm sunny position. Heat will boost germination either from below or in a germinator.

Seeds are very small so it is better to water from below (dip tray into a basin of water) than to water overhead as they can be washed away. Plant outside in a sunny position when all risk of frost has passed. The leaves have a very pleasant smell and plants can reach over 2 meters in height under good conditions.

Due to the size of the seed the count is done on germination of the packet in a standard seed tray counting the small plants that first come up. Once pricked out it is worth allowing the tray a second chance as some seeds are slow to germinate. It is almost impossible to separate seed from chaff but this will not affect the germination.

Seeds can also be direct sown straight onto the soil surface and lightly scratched and firmed in. This method must be done later from mid to late April onwards.

Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class Letter. Postage paid by seller.