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Elizabeth von Arnim Lot of 7 Classic Unabridged Audiobooks in 7 MP3 Audio CDs

Elizabeth von Arnim 
(1866 - 1941)

Elizabeth von Arnim (31 August 1866 – 9 February 1941), born Mary Annette Beauchamp, was a British novelist born in Australia. She married a German aristocrat and her best-known works are set in Germany. After her first husband's death, she had a three-year affair with the writer H. G. Wells, then later married Frank Russell, elder brother of the Nobel prize-winning writer and philosopher Bertrand Russell. She was a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield. Her first marriage made her Countess von Arnim-Schlagenthin and her second Elizabeth Russell, Countess Russell. Though known in early life as May, publication of her first book introduced her to readers as Elizabeth, which she eventually became to her friends and finally even to her family. She is now known invariably as Elizabeth von Arnim. She used the pen name Alice Cholmondeley only for the novel Christine, published in 1917.

Run Time Over 66 Hours x 7 Audiobooks in 7 MP3 Audio CDs

The Benefactress
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen
The Enchanted April
The Pastor's Wife
The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they're not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.