The University Prints of Winchester MA (and Boston, MA, Newton, MA) 

A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions   ANCIENT-MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE 142 Prints

New Condition.  Approximately 25 copies available. Assembled / published in 1988 by The University Prints, 21 East Street, Box 485 WInchester, MA 01890

A visual archive of 7500 basic art history subjects available as fine letterpress prints with full scholarly captions.  All prints are a uniform 5 1/2" x 8" size. Black and white..Visual surveys major monuments of each art history epoch and tradition, custom bound for library reference.

Basilica Paestum Italy Greek Temple of Poseidon 460 BC Concord Agrigento Sicily Lion Gate Mycenae Greece Aegean Mycenaean Acropolis Athens Restored Buildings Acropolis Erechtheum Rebuilt Mnesikles Baptistery Pisa Romanesque Gothic 1153 Hagia Sophia Constantinople Istanbul Byzantine Dome Old St. Peter's Christian Sanctuary Church K. J. Conant Pantheon Plan Section Romansque Caen Vaulted Trinite Abbaye Aux Homes Dames Cathedral Gothic Clerestory Transept Facades Spire Chapels Abbey Church St Denis Chapelle Paris Ambulatory Le Mans Choir Parma Apollinare Ravenna Romanum Julius Caeser Quirinal