Shawn Vermette “Scavengers” Graphite on Paper gothic OOAK Drawing.

This is “Scavengers” by Shawn Vermette. It is graphite in a gothic, popsurrelist, pop art style. His characters are

based on Victorian fairy tales

Shawn Vermette:

"Shawn Vermette is an anomaly as an artist. Born and raised in Springfield, MA, he is the quintessential artist

recluse. This is a man in his mid 40s who has been hidden away, sheltered, for the past 25 years. He has

never owned a computer, never owned a cell phone. He has no social media or web presence at all. Instead,

he has spent his life creating his own reality through his artwork…and no one has ever seen it until his show 

at the Hyeana Gallery in 2017.

The work itself is mind blowing. These are large scale pieces in colored pencil (and graphite pencil drawings), 

each taking between 3 to 6 months for him to complete. When you stand before the art, you immediately see 

what a monumental undertaking these works are, especially for the medium. There is a stunning attention to detail,

 incredible textures, skewed perspectives, and brilliant lighting and shadow. Shawn's classical influences are clear

(note his nods to Goya in "The Procession," and Edward Gorey in "Monster and Boy"), yet the work is entirely

his own, with a slight outsider element which sets it apart. Symbolic and often surreal, his work can be both

dark and playful. I've never encountered another artist who does work quite like this, and I am beyond excited

to introduce his work to the art world. What you see is very special." - Bill Shaefer Hyaeana Gallery 

If you are interested, an interview with the artist, I find him fascinating, and just a unique gem: