The Woman Missing in the Mirror : Your Foolproof Guide to Getting Back to the....

Dean Mitchell’s first book, The Woman Missing in the Mirror, began as a means to bridge the gap between a woman’s true physical potential and her ability to actually achieve it. In a deliberate attempt to not offer “just another fitness book for women” filled with fancy words and concepts that only a highly educated fitness professional would be able to apply, Mitchell’s intention with the book is to provide the reader with the precise tools needed for her success while also discussing a key ingredient overlooked in virtually every other program, an ingredient proved to set his methods apart from the rest. His “Make It Work with What You’ve Got” motto addresses the idea that you don't need to put your kids and spouse up for adoption or leave your career behind to take up residence at your local gym in order to achieve the look you desire. Nor do you need to put yourself on a diet so restrictive on calories that would make Gandhi look like he’s overeating to see the changes in the mirror you badly desire. You can still be a mommy, wife and social butterfly!