Rare DVD. CANADIAN SELLER. OPTIONAL EXPEDITED SHIPPING AVAILABLE IN CANADA. In stock, I'll usually have it in the mail within 1 business day from Nova Scotia.

See back cover photo for details.

Inspired by Leisure Arts' best-selling book, this teach-yourself crochet DVD makes learning so easy that you'll be crocheting with confidence in just a few hours. Hosted by popular designer Melissa Leapman, it's like having your own personal instructor available 24 hours a day! Her friendly approach guides you through the step-by-step lessons with expertise, and up-close demonstrations show every motion from the crocheter's point of view. The advanced Auto-Pause feature even periodically pauses the lesson until you click "Play" to continue at your own pace. You can put your learning into practice immediately on a simple spa cloth, or follow the Stitch-Along instructions where Melissa goes row by row making a belt, openwork scarf, or granny square mini purse. With its convenient A-to-Z Index, Reference Library, Trouble-shooting Guide, Tips, and other features, this DVD will have you saying, "I can't believe I'm crocheting!"