FootWave Kids Physiologischer Valgus der Füße und Knie Orthopädische Einlagen

Manufacturer: FootWave / Product code: FootWave Kids


FootWave KIDS

The physiological overpronation, flat feet and knock knees

FootWave KIDS orthotic inserts provide excellent biomechanical support that allow to restore your child's natural walking pattern. By balancing the axes of the foot and controlling ankle motion, they provide a more natural development for the feet of the child, thus preventing future ailments. FootWave KIDS inserts restores the correct position of the ankle, knee and hips.

These orthotics are safe to use, however, if your child suffers from multiple foot deformities or has a different specific condition, we recommend consulting a specialist before using FootWave KIDS SUPI!

Footwave Kids
1 Directional double cushioning heel zone Absorbs heel strikes impact, controls ankle joint 3D movement, directs into proper supination It will reduce your heel pain and your feet will move in proper directions and with the proper movement ranges
2 Flat bottom (insole’s platform) Stabilizing, eliminating undesired rotation Insoles will not rotate in your shoes in undesired way while you are walking, which ensures always proper support and correction
3 Deep profiled heel cup Aligning lower limb axes in neutral position, stabilizing, eliminating undesired heel rotation Your feet will not rotate in undesired way and whole legs will work in proper axes (will not overpronate or oversupinate, heels will not “bend” outside/inside)
4 Arch support Supporting anatomical structures of the feet Your arches (transverse and longitudinal) will be shaped properly, hence your feet will not tire so fast and will work as desired
5 WaveFOAM material Compromise between level of rigidy, amortisation and deformation factor Decreased foot pain, especially the heel, increased mobility and stability
6 Perforation holes and microfiber top-cover fabric Safety, hygiene, ventilation, comfort Soft fabric will prevent abrasion, improves ventilation and makes insoles very comfortable. The excess of the heat and moisture is drained through perforation holes
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