This offering is for ONE of the most true old fashioned remnants that just transports me back to my pop and nana's front porch and all her fluffy pillows bedecking her porch swing and rocking chairs.  Nana loved roses and this would have fit in just perfect. It is shabby chic...but it does have some Art Deco influences in the lines...the scrolls that read more modern than true neoclassical. A soft dove and white ground with varied BOLD and BRIIGHT shades of chartreuse and lemon yellows...asparagus limes...deep dark emerald...bold chartreuse honeydew lime...with shades of bright Caribbean turquoise blues...with white accents. Signed "Guaranteed to be Vat Prints". Unused...unwashed...measures 24 inches wide x 23 inches long. Flawless old stock in brand new condition.

I take returns...but who wants to take a return right? So I do my best to add lots of photos that depict the weight and texture and do so thoughtfully so you are getting the most virtual experience. Please only buy if you know you really want other words...I'm here to have the best selling experience and I can't do that without your help. With that said...of course I will take a return...I'm just hoping more the pricing will WOW YA over wanting to return it :) Here is to a summer of fabulous Florida Finds. :)