Unlimited Edition Print:

Paper: 19 x 13, image size:16 x 12 archival print on 300 GSM weight natural 100% cotton rag paper, made USA! Digitally imaged and printed by the artist. (Approx 60 x 40 size currently available, please contact if interested).

Original digital image print "Sower with Feather Hat" Nebula by digital artist, painter, animator and photographer Paul Harrington.

This digital image was originally created as a pencil sketch from my Bristlecone Pine Series of artworks. It was imaged into a series of paintings and an animated version as well.

Reminiscent of a Van Gogh in the form of a galactic interstellar presentation .

While living on Maui Paul worked as a photographer, art direction/advertising design, community media: Akakū TV, scenic design/convention services and associate producer for KIRC contractor on a video training documentary.

Thirty years has since past and Paul is now working to process and print this folio of Kodachrome and Ektachrome color slide film and new digital photography!

Compilation sets available, in 2,4,6 or eight to complete you photo wall project!

Paul also has an ongoing original acrylic collection of Hawaiian landscapes, seascapes painting on canvas and original Hawaiian photographic print and compilation sets!

 Paul has 30 years of professional experience in digital and mixedmedia arts, including a 30 year archive of film and digital photography, digital darkroom and archival printmaking.

And thank you for supporting:

The Food Basket, Inc.

Artist retains all copyright!

Thank you for looking!