DESCRIPTION:  1962 Chevrolet Carter Aluminium 4-barrel carburetor service information booklet

An original 1962 Chevy information booklet that provides a brief overview of the servicing of the Carter aluminum four-barrel carburetor. It was published by the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corporation in the USA in Aug 1962 as a resource for staff working in the service departments of GM dealers and service agents. It is a 2 page booklet that utilises the information drawn from the Chevy staff training slidefilm of the period.

Condition: This original Chevrolet service booklet is in solid original condition showing a fair bit of wear from use. The covers show dirty marks, stains, scuffs surface wear and creases. The stapled binding is still OK. The inside pages have some marks and creases. Measures approx 8 by 4 inches in size.

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