BFT3 heart rate monitor

BFT have launched BFT³ - which is a completely bespoke heart rate system designed to maximise your workout experience and results. It is also a world-first in group training technology.
While other heart rate monitors purely reward high heart rates, that’s not how BFT’s programming works. Their 13 programs are all different as they know that the best results come from a variation in heart rates and rest periods, as well as training styles.
They have built a new heart rate system that rewards you for all programs, not just cardio, therefore you are rewarded for following the prescribed heart rate zones in your specific sessions to receive optimal outcomes, both digitally and physically.
Each session that you attend will have a target PXI (Performance x Intensity) score based on the program. If you score within 5%, 10% or 15% of the target PXI, you earn yourself a medal.