It's a Richard Royal Tea letter for you! In the post envelope of Richard Royal Tea Assortment you can find assortment of premium black teas: classic Royal English Breakfast, Kings's No1 with a fine, savory trail of Kaffir lime and English mint helps, and noble Lord Grey with bergamot flavour and citrus peel, 3 sachets per each.
Royal Tea collection Richard is a black, green and herbal teas from the best plantations all over the world. All blends are made in the traditional English style, but each with a dainty touch: combining various teas, aromatic herbs and spices helps a tea blend to deliver all the shades of royal taste.
Unique gift designed as a post envelope. Assortment of classic black and flavoured black teas. Richard Royal English Breakfast, Kings's No1 и Lord Grey, 3 sachets per each. Convenient format: tea bag in sachet