If you want a Red Head Drake Decoy in perfect condition stop now,  this is not that kind of decoy.  But if you want one that has a lot of experience, much of it bad, stay with us.  This is a Red Head Drake Decoy that has seen a lot of time in a marsh.  It was made in Pascagoula, Mississippi, we are guessing by the PADCO Decoy Company, sometime in the late 1940's-early 1950's.  (It is a bit difficult to tell its maker for sure.  There were a number of Companies that used similar carving lathes and body styles in that area over the years.) There are no markings left by the maker and most of them did not leave their name on their decoys anyway.  The photos give a good description.  Notice the closeup of the left side in which lead BB s are visible embedded in the decoy along with numerous other BB holes.  There is another bit of its misfortune.  Notice the nail that holds the broken beak together.  The Decoy is life size, measuring 14 inches from beak to tail.  It is 6.5 inches tall, 5 inches wide, and weighs 1 pound, 3 ounces.  We can ship it for $12.00 within the U.S.and accept returns within 30 days for any reason. This tired old bird deserves a caring home that will give it better treatment and a bit of love.