Aldax Dipping/Spraying/ Brush Latex Mould Making Rubber #70 
Latex is a still widely used material for flexible mould making particularly in the ornamental, concrete and hobby plaster fields. This natural latex material which has been pre-vulcanised to give it maximum elongation and excellent return memory without permanent distortion.
It can be sprayed, brushed or cast in porous moulds by slush casting or absorption skinning. It is superb for all types of mask making and especially good when used as a skin for polyurethane foams. It can be easily painted with most adhesive-based paints.
We recommend using No.70 for the first two to three important coats to ensure all detail of the original model is picked up before continuing adding additional coats with the pre-thickened brushing latex No.72. It is also useful as a dipping and spraying latex