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Auschwitz: History, Place and People. 
An Academic Guide to the Camp Complex

Language - English
Manufacturer - PMA-B
Year of publication - 2021
Cover - Paperback
Pages - 304
Condition - 
Brand new
Dimension - 14,5 x 21 cm
Weight - 0.46 kg

”Auschwitz: History, Place and People” is an important guide to the history of concentration and extermination camp, which remains a symbol of Holocaust, terror and mass murder.
„Almost a milion Jews were deported to Auschwitz to be murdered. But Auschwitz was also a concentration camp and a vast industrial complex where thousand of inmates or different ethnicities were compelled to undertake murderous slave labour.”
The essential aspects of Auschwitz history are reflected in essays written by authors in interesting, clear and engaging manner. Logically organised chapters focus on issues referring not only to the history of camp itself, including such topics as: the role of Auschwitz in the Holocaust, medical experiments, and Sonderkommando revolt, but also showing broader historical and sociological context of Auschwitz functioning. These aspects may be found in such chapters as: ”The Complexity of the Cathegory Bystander. The City of Oświęcim and Beyond”, ”Space and Narration of the Auschwitz Complex” or  ”The Publishing: Preserving the Voices of Victims and Disseminating Historical Research”, which make an important contribution to what is known about this enormous death complex and its surroundings. 
The book clearly explains the role of Auschwitz in the history of the Holocaust and the German occupation of eastern Europe, presenting well-documented information and providing a deeper understanding of many historical and social phenomena. It also dispel some myths. At the same time, the book provides its audiences with pedagocical and ethical context of Auschwitz, which seems to be very important for educational mission today. 
“After  all, for many, Auschwitz remains not only a memorial and a symbol, but also a shorthand for genocide.“

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