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The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge

Laura Lee Hope

In this 11th book in the "Outdoor Girls" series, the girls have some very exciting experiences. An old man, Professor Dempsey, by name, who had retired to a little log cabin in the woods to recover his health, had chanced to do the girls a very great favor. Of course the girls were grateful to him and were very much interested when he told them of his two sons who were in the war. Later, when the girls read of the death of his two sons in the paper, they went to the old man's lonely cabin in the woods, but found themselves too late. According to a friendly neighbor, the old man had become temporarily insane at the terrible news, had wrecked his cabin in an insane frenzy, and disappeared.

Later, at Wild Rose Lodge, the girls were frightened several times by a strange apparition lurking in the woods around the lodge and Moonlight Falls, a beautiful fall of water not far from the cottage where the girls were staying. The boys came home from France and helped the girls solve the mystery.

Read by Albert Friedman; Carol Sutton; Iznbq5092; MotleyMoose; BriAlexis; Arnul Focasco

Running Time:04:18:31 in 4 Audio CDs
1 01 - Just Fun - 09:53
2 02 - The Falling Tree - 11:19
3 03 - The Queer Little Man - 16:15
4 04 - Good News - 10:19
5 05 - Betty Takes a Dare - 10:48
6 06 - Nearly Wrecked - 09:57
7 07 - Bad Tidings Confirmed - 10:51
8 08 - Premonitions - 10:21
9 09 - A Visitor - 09:45
10 10 - Hurrah for Allen - 09:53
11 11 - The Hold-Up - 09:46
12 12 - Sheep! - 09:29
13 13 - The Enemy Routed - 08:41
14 14 - Nothing Human - 08:19
15 15 - Wild Roses - 12:41
16 16 - The Whirlpool - 10:05
17 17 - The "Thing" - 11:28
18 18 - Surprised - 10:47
19 19 - Like Old Times - 09:01
20 20 - Very Much Alive - 10:13
21 21 - Out of the Dark - 08:50
22 22 - Tragedy - 11:24
23 23 - A Moonlight Apparition - 08:02
24 24 - Recovered - 08:21
25 25 - The Old Crowd Again - 12:03

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.