Triang/ Triang Hornby Blue Pullman Palour Car reproduction window insert. 3D printed in correct colours so no painting required a quick and easy way of adding this sometimes missing item. It is not an exacting replica but gives a very good facsimile of the real thing. Comes with a window film, cut to size to fit behind insert and frosted glass windows fitted.

Also Listed as per Photographs

Western/Original Power Car Reproduction Window
Midland Power Car window conversion
Palour Car to kitchen Car conversion kit
Palour 1st to palour 2nd conversion kit

Please note, these only fit the original Pullman Rake, the later blue livery with full white middle band and the reverse livery coaches do not have removeable window sets.

I am 3D Derek and I 3D print replacement Reproduction Model Railway parts. Mainly Triang/Hornby/Minic

Motorway. To see my Full range of parts search 3DPD. As I do a lot of Triang Battle Space items they are under

 my Quarter Master range Search QM Triang