Superfood of the Andes ! 

100% Organic Black Maca Root powder Gelatinized, 250g, From Peru!

Soil Association certified

Do you want to improve your health and get more strength in a natural way?

Maca Root (Lepidium peruvianum G.Chacón) is an herbaceous plant native to the high Andean Mountains of South America, where altitude, low temperatures and strong winds limit other crops. It is a potent ancient Peruvian superfood used by indigenous Andean societies as a source of nourishment and healing for thousands of years. Domestication of this plant appears to have started at least 2,000 years ago.

This Maca Root was produced by our association with small farmers in the Junín region of Peru between 3.000 and 4.000 meters above sea level, and preserving the inherited ancestral forms. It has also dried naturally in the sun for 3 months, therefore, the nutritional properties are superior to Maca produced on a large scale. Sun drying the roots makes Maca taste sweeter.

Organic Maca Root Vitamins
Maca is rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and Niacin. It also provides plenty of calcium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids.

The benefits you will get by taking Organic Maca Root:
-To improve fertility
-To increase the libido
-For men prostate health
-To regulate menstrual disorders and discomfort relief
-For hormones balance during Menopause
-For body muscle building
-To increase energy
-To increase the resistance (Stamina)
-For hair growth
-To improve skin tone
-To improve the curves in women
-To prevent and combat Osteoporosis
-To support the health with the thyroid
-To improve mental focus and clarity 
-To reduce depression

Maca raises energy levels, and combats physical and mental fatigue and stress. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates the endocrine system, balances the diet avoiding malnutrition, increases endurance in athletes promoting mental clarity, improves concentration and focus: in a word, it stimulates every system!

The Maca Root is a nutritionally dense superfood unique in that it affects Men and Women differently.

This Maca Root is mainly for Men, although for Bodybuilding it benefits both Women and Men.

Organic & Gelatinized Black Maca Root for:
Although Maca has a long history of traditional use, it has only been scientifically researched over the past 25-30 years. This research has revealed several benefits of taking Maca that apply specifically to men.

Maca for Male Libido
Among the top reasons men choose to take Maca is to restore their libido. Maca works on various levels to support a healthy sex drive. First, it’s high nutrient content revitalizes the entire body. Second, Maca works to support healthy testosterone levels thereby increasing energy, stamina and vitality. Finally, Maca contains unique nutrients called macaenes and macamides that are associated with supporting healthy libido. Among our customers, both Red Maca and Black Maca are favorites for this purpose.

Maca for Men's Fertility
Fertility for both men and women is the longest and most common use of Maca. We know that people indigenous to the high Andes of Peru have used Maca root to boost both human and livestock fertility for 2000 years. Stretching forward to today, Maca is still used as a first recourse for couples wanting to conceive in Peru. Recent studies from Switzerland and Peru confirm that Black Maca in particular both raises sperm count and motility and increases sexual desire.

Maca for Increased Testosterone
Maca does not contain testosterone or any other hormone. Instead it stimulates the body to produce and regulate hormones in order to achieve a healthy hormone balance.  In research Maca has NOT been shown to boost overall serum testosterone levels.  However the energizing effects noted by males taking Maca suggest that it is otherwise having a positive effect on the endocrine system. Researchers speculate that Maca affects the levels of free testosterone, rather than serum levels   All Maca colors work well for this purpose.

Maca for Prostate
An important study published in the "Journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology" 2005; 3:5. concluded that over the course of 42 days: “Red Maca but neither Yellow/Cream nor Black Maca reduced significantly ventral prostate size in rats.“ We’ve also had some very positive reports from customers about this benefit of Maca for men. Use Triple Maca Root or Red Maca Root for this purpose.

Maca for Natural Muscle Building
Maca is anabolic (muscle building). It has a high content of bioavailable protein and other nutrients that support healthy, natural muscle growth. It is a favorite supplement among natural bodybuilders as well as an ingredient in many muscle building blends.  We have several customers who are professional or high level amateur athletes who swear by Maca for increased performance. And, based on their feedback, we recommend Black Maca, either Gelatinized for muscle building in both women and men.

Maca for Energy and Stamina
For the people leaving at high elevations in Peru where Maca grows (14,000 feet and above) Maca is essential to maintaining healthy energy and stamina. Several scientific studies have also confirmed that Maca has a positive effect on endurance and energy levels. In one study, cyclists were able to bring their 40 km times down significantly after just 12 days on Maca. Another study showed that regular Maca dosage improved stamina among lab mice nearly 20%. Black Maca seems to have the most positive effect for this use.

In the case of women Maca for Enhanced Curves
One of the more interesting effects of Maca is that it can support the enhancement of female body shape. Maca works to balance estrogen levels, which can increase the size and shape of breasts. Also, since Maca is extremely anabolic (muscle building) it can increase the size of the buttocks, which is of course the body’s largest muscle. In order to get the most benefit for the latter, we recommend using Black Maca and also getting plenty of exercise aimed at increasing the glutes. 

Maca for Strong Bones
In 2010 a team of 6 researchers reported that Red and Black Maca were found to be the best at improving and protecting bone structure especially in mice who had their ovaries removed. (Effects of different varieties of Maca on bone structure, Gonzalez, C et. al.). This is in part due to the high calcium content of Maca (nearly 4 times that of milk).

Maca for overcoming Depression 
One of the lesser known benefits of Maca for men is for reducing depression. Maca works as a mood up-lifter due to its high nutrient content combined with it’s energizing properties. We’ve had several reports of positive emotional health resulting from continued use of Red Maca.

Maca for Enhanced Mental Focus, Clarity and Memory
One final use of Maca for men is to boost concentration, memory and learning. A recent study from China (2011) found that Black Maca in particular helped mice improve memory by 10% and speed learning by nearly 15%. In addition, many of our customers have reported a boost in focus and clarity when using Maca.  All Maca colors work well for this purpose.

Peruvian Maca roots grow in 3 basic color group:
White to yellow roots are made into Yellow Maca powder (60% of the annual harvest)
Light pink to dark purple roots are made into Red Maca powder (25% of the annual harvest)
Light gray to dark gray roots are made into Black Maca powder (15% of the annual harvest)

Why Gelatinized? The 2 major advantages of using Gelatinized Maca are:

Easier digestion - because the starch is mostly dissolved Gelatinized Maca is easier on the stomach
More concentrated nutrients - the absence of starch means that gram for gram, Gelatinized Maca is more concentrated than Raw Maca powder.
If you have a generally sensitive stomach or any other issue with digestion, then Gelatinized Maca is the best choice you can make.The reason is simple, while Raw Maca can cause temporary symptoms like bloating, gas or upset stomach (in about 5% of people), the gelatinized powder simply will not do so.  

It takes 4 kg of raw roots to make 1 kg of Gelatinized Maca powder Some activated nutrients – heating the Maca roots amplifies some  nutrients, including metabolites and minerals. 

Our Organic Black Maca Root Powder Gelatinized is:

| Certified Organic | GMO-Free | Fair Trade | Grown traditionally with respect for the land in Junin in Peru | Freshly harvested | Carefully processed and packaged immediately |

It Contains 100% Organic Black Maca Root

How to take maca?
We highly recommend adding Maca Root powder to smoothies, natural juices,shakes, muesli, yogurt, coffee, soups, stews, or add to your baking.  
Usage: Adults One or two tablespoons per day; Children one teaspoon per day. 

This Maca Root is mainly for Men, although for Bodybuilding it benefits both Women and Men.

For any suggestions feel free to contact us!