Name: Freetress Synthetic Fullcap Drawstring - Tokyo Girl 
Type: Synthetic Hair Half Wig 
Cap Size: May vary slightly by brand 
Average: Circumference 21.5" Ear To Ear 13.5" Front To Back 14.25" 
Comb Location: Front & Back 
Drawstring: Yes 
Color On Model: 


FREETRESS is the world's most recognized synthetic hair product that includes weaves, braids, wigs, FullCap, and drawstring ponytails. Unlike other synthetic hair products, Freetress is made of flame-retardant fibers exclusively developed for weaves and wigs. 
With hundreds of styles and colors, you are sure to find one that's to your liking.
Caring Insturction-
Do not use hot curler at regular setting.-To maintain fresh look, lightly apply oil sheen or wig conditioner.
1. Part your hair through No.1 line (from ear to ear).
2. Insert the comb underneath FullCap Ponytail from front to back along the pared line.
3. Slide-in the back comb along the nape hairline, tucking in your hair underneath.
4. Cover the front parted line by combing your hair over it.You just gave yourself a complete style!