Snake Plant Cutting With Roots Mother-In-Law's Tongue Sanseveria Live Plant

Live Starter Leaf Cutting 10 inches long.
with a bit of white root starter. No roots.

Other Names-  Mother-In-Law's Tongue / Sansevieria laurentii.

*Great at ridding the air of many toxins
*A high oxygen-producing plant even at night.

Futura Robusta Snake Plants' attractive large twisted narrow leaves remain grayish green in color with showy dark green variegation and tinges of silver throughout the year.

Mother-in-law's tongue plant benefits includes purifying the air. This plant has been recognized by NASA for purifying the air and absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene.

Please let me know if you have any questions.