GBC CleanPower


Take your original Game Boy Color restoration to the next level with the custom built, ultra-efficient and clean power regulator designed in-house by RetroSix.

The CleanPower replaces the original power regulator PCB of the Game Boy Color with a modern smooth and health power supply.

With the introduction of IPS mods, audio mods and other power hungry alterations to the console, the original regulator on the system is hugely over-strained and fails over time or does not power on at all due to the current draw.

The CleanPower board by RetroSix addresses all of those issue, providing a clean, stable and efficient 5V line to the system to keep the lifespan of your console at it's best.

To install, see images. Simply de-solder the old power regulator and solder the CleanPower in the same place as the original regulator.

The input range of the CleanPower on VIN is 2.5V to 12V. This gives modders a much wider range if they want to install 2S lipo kits!

NOTE: The CleanPower only supports modern screens and does not provide the voltages for the original screens. If you are using a TFT or IPS screen this regulator is fine, however if you are using the original screen this power regulator is not suitable.

SKU: GBC0009

Package Contents

  • 1x CleanPower PCB