1889: The Tower: A Series Of Etchings With Vignettes, Descriptive Letterpress, by C R B Barrett

380mm x 280mm

C. R. B. Barrett, M.A.. Oxon.


Published by

Catty & Dobson, Dyer's Buildings, Holborn, London, E.C


ON OFFERING this Book to the notice of the public, let me ask permission to preface it with a few explanatory lines. I do not pretend to present to the reader a complete history of the Tower, since claborate and scholarly works on the subject are easily accessible. to the student. My intention is to illustrate, with what success I may, these historic buildings as they at present exist; with special reference to certain portions thereof which, for good and sufficient reasons are not thrown open to the general public, but which historically I venture to think are of deep interest. The letterpress in a book of this nature must of necessity be brief. Arguments for or against the acceptance of some well-known tradition are beyond its scope. As far as possible the vignette process drawings are, with two exceptions, sketches of spots in close contiguity to the subjects selected for the etched plates. The initial letters are derived from an illuminated MS. of the 15th century, now in the British Museum. On the cover, in outline is represented a portion of that curious weapon-the State Axe. Finally, I wish to express my warmest thanks to the officials at the Tower, and at various libraries, for the kind consideration which they have shown me during the time that I have been engaged on my task.