Vendo videogioco per pc Gothic II, con scatola e manuale in italiano.

Testato e funzionante. 

Vendo a 20 € + spese di spedizione. In caso di acquisti multipli richiedete il totale prima del pagamento. Eventuale consegna a mano nella provincia di Ancona.

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Il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro e non oltre 3 giorni dall'acquisto. In caso di contrattempi sarà sufficiente, ma necessario, avvisare tramite una e-mail. In caso contrario dopo 7 giorni dalla chiusura dell'inserzione sarete segnalati ad eBay come utenti non paganti e riceverete un feedback negativo.

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Non si risponde di eventuali danni o smarrimenti per spedizione non tracciabili da voi richieste.

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Controllate le mie altre inserzioni per risparmiare sulle spese di spedizione.

EU (UK too) buyers welcome!

For sale, Gothic II PC videogame, with box and manual in Italian, but I think I remember that the game was multilingual, but I'm not 100% sure, if interested, ask me and I'll give it a try.

Tested and working.

I sell it for 20 € + shipping costs. 

In case of multiple purchases please contact me before proceed to payment in order to send you the invoice with the total amount.
Shipping to UK requires to add 10€ to shipping costs due custom duties. (Already calculated)
Shipping to islands requires to add 20€ to shipping costs. (Must be added to the total amount)

Terms of sale

Once the sale is concluded, you will receive the eBay invoice containing the payment information.
If the goods are to be sent to another address than the one indicated on eBay, please notify us promptly.

The payment must be made no later than 3 days after the purchase. In case of setbacks, it will be sufficient, but necessary, to notify us via email. Otherwise, after 7 days from the end of the listing you will be reported to eBay as a non-paying user and you will receive a negative feedback.

Shipping takes place via express courier after actual receipt of payment in the manner described above.
We are not responsible for any damage or loss due to untraceable shipping requested by you.

The buyer cannot say, after having won an item, that the costs are too high, because these costs are declared in the public conditions of sale, and which the buyer declared to have read and approved at the time of having entered your offer.

Check out my other listings to save on shipping costs.