You are considering this pendant for its physical being as jewelry. *As per eBay policy I must state that any item listed as mystical, metaphysical, paranormal or extraordinary is not allowed on Ebay and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The item is listed as jewelry and any information contained in this auction is from MY OWN personal experiences with the item(s). So I am not and will not be held responsible for the level of activity or lack thereof activity of these items. This item is being sold as jewelry and not as haunted or by any means metaphysical.
For Sale here is this ring this ring is an offering from our coven, witchtalismans sisters of the north witch coven. Here is your opportunity to obtain a truly delightful piece that you can use and cherish for all your life and pass along to others. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this offering or need anything, this as well as all our offerings are owned and keep by us; the witch coven known as witchtalismans sisters of the north. While using an older digital camera, we have taken hundreds of pictures of this offering and have shared a small number of them here.

Authentic offering owned and kept by our coven, a coven the is comprised of 13 coven members.

This lovely offering is metal and stone.

Authentic one of a kind offering owned and kept by our witch coven, witchtalismans sisters of the north witch coven.

This offering is NOT limited to gender, as it can be owned by any who has an interest / desire for it. 


If you have an attraction to this offering or believe it should be yours, then place bid(s) as if you have this strong desire to obtain it then perhaps you should take ownership of it. Please contact us if you have any questions or need anything. Our coven is comprised of experienced enchanters who aim to use magick to help others by using white and positive magick and energy. 

This offering has been enchanted with the powers of the deity Jasper stone and 925 sterling silver.
Our coven have used magick for many years as we are one of if not THE oldest and most respected enchanters of magick using our powers to bring about positive change in the lives of others is important to us but what reign over this is safety and concern for our clients. Our coven cast spells that will not harm others and promotes long-life, prosperity, love and peace.

GAIN THE POWERS OF WEREWOLF DEITY USING one of our Angerboda spirit enchanted offerings, his powers are immense and cannot be held in just ONE vessel, so our coven have divided some of his powers within various items that have the structural integrity to house this deity's powers.

Before walking in the realm of werewolf we ask that you consider the good and not so good things about becoming a werewolf.....

Caution to those who

desire to become a


We have taken great measures to ensure that our magick and spell cast offerings highly protect the safety of our clients. Anyone that is serious about becoming a Werewolf should fully weigh the “Pros and Cons” of their choice. The Cons (the negative or less favorable results); cons

  • (1) Werewolves are targeted by both, wielders and non wielders of Magick
  • (2) Werewolves FULL control of their personal powers can take months or even years to FULLY MASTER
  • (3) The mere touch of wolfs bane can be fatal to werewolves.
  • (4) Silver in its purest form can cause immense injury or death to werewolves if the metal is not quickly extracted from the body.
  • (5) Silver can prevent a werewolf from not realizing or using the powers.Pros (the good things about being a Werewolf) The Pros (the Positive or best qualities of becoming a werewolf);pros
  • (1) Werewolves possess immense speed as they could run as fast as 55 MPH
  • (2) Werewolves are strong and have been known to have the physical strength of five grown men weightlifters.
  • (3) The Werewolf have great stamina as they can endure, battle or last for a great amount of time during lovemaking.
  • (4) Werewolves have heightened vision which allows them to see great distances, see in limited light or in the dark.
  • (5) These beings have an increased sense of smell giving them the ability to detect the contents of a objects sealed in some of the most secured methods, from miles away.
  • (6) Werewolves’ hearing is unlike any other creature as they can hear 4 times that of a bat and can detect frequencies much higher than human and animal range.
  • (7) Werewolves have the ability to shape-shift, as a person enchanted with the deity’s powers can not only fully transform his/her physical body but also variable transformation is possible (which happens mainly to newly enchanted werewolves) allowing the person to extent his/her teeth, claws lengthen or shorten one’s hair and many other combinations can occur.
  • (8) Werewolves have the ability to influence and control the thoughts and minds of other people and animals.
  • (9) Werewolves have the ability to heal quickly from injuries, sickness and disease. The Werewolf can even pass on a certain level of healing to his/her lover through bodily transfusion (kissing, sex etc) and one’s child will also have the abilities of the parents.
  • (10) Werewolves have the ability to “sniff out” the essence of magick enchanters such as witches, warlocks, other Werewolves and deities that are near by (about 5 miles radius)
  • (11) Werewolves have been know to have an increased sense of taste being able to determine a person’s character (whether the person is benevolent or malevolent) or nature which is a characteristic that allows Werewolves to determine if a potential mate is worthy.
  • Now after you have considered the “pros and cons”….are you still sure that you want to become a WEREWOLF? We suggest that you again consider the benefits and possible negative implications of becoming a Werewolf,also we ask that you meditate on the subject for at least 2 days and THEN and ONLY THEN should you make your decision BECOME A WEREWOLF Ways that our coven will help you to turn or change or have a vampire experience;
    Powerful talisman to become a Werewolf of The lycanthrope
    This offering has absorbed the powers of Werewolves; strength, speed, stamina and other powers with this offering the keeper will have the powers and talents of the Werewolf and over time the power will merge with the very spirit of the keeper. It can take the keeper from 4 months to 8 months to have the powers of Werewolves, this offering will protect the keeper from potential hazardous deities. This offering will summon (benevolent or like-minded ) Werewolves from as far as 800 miles away and / or absorb the energy needed from them to the keeper. The keeper shall be transformed mentally and or physically into Werewolf, at a safe a moderate pace to protect the keeper from overload of energy. The offering will give the person the power of Werewolf (and the deities weakness too)permanent and does not require the talisman to maintain the energy after 1 year of keeping the offering in one’s possession or ownership. This talisman have taken our spell cast ritual to transform the keeper into a Werewolf. Offering was consecrated with the powers of the witch of the Iron wood, known as the mother of wolves ANGERBODA
    Unsure if this offering is right for you? Here’s what to do…If you have a connection with any of these offerings do the following ritual between the hours 11:30 p.m and 3:45 a.m (1) recite the deity’s name (ANGERBODA) three times while viewing one’s own reflection in a mirror. (2) Before sleeping recite the deity name 3 times again and this time visualize the vessel pendant/ring. You will know if this offering is right for you, as the deity will speak to you in your dream and or in the physical world. You will hear a tone or pitch in your ears, a whispered voice or even while sleeping you will feel yourself falling. These are indications the deity is indeed watching and or considering you to become its keeper.

 We advise that once this offering is in the hands of its intended owner/user that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact our coven if you have any questions or need anything we shall try our best to assist you.


Blessings this ring or pendant offering comes as a ritual kit which includes a pouch, sand / salt, instructions for spell casting and use, and a gift(coin or pendant) please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need anything. Thank you and blessed be, Mirsada witchtalismans.

Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. This offering should be kept and cared for, one must understand that objects which are kept by a person becomes part of that person.

Our coven have been taught and practice as part of our faith that colors have various attributes. We also believe that stones and minerals of the earth possess great abilities which can change one's life, through Health, Love, Wealth, Knowledge and many areas as well.

Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here's a Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience. You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings. Blessed be to you 
To make Home Protection Oil

 Anointed on charms designed to protect the home from evil. Sprinkled about the home to keep evil influences away.

Use equal parts of the following; Five finger grass, sandlewood, gardenia petals and purslane herb. Add two tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. One pinch of blessed salt is put in each bottle of oil made

 The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.


SHIPPING COST: Shipping to all of the UNITED STATES AND EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD IS ONLY SEE shipping calculator shipping worldwide!! ADDED NOTE; their are some places in the world that prohibit the use of magic, please advise us of your situation so we can ship the item to you safely and without disruption.

Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS: I will ship your item in few days of confirmed payment