Stargate SG1 Slash anthology. Stargate SG-1. "Pretense 2". Published 2002. This is a new copy printed on demand directly from the publisher. 214 pages.

Issue #2 is chock full of yet more romantic, angsty, and fun Jack/Daniel stories. There are no deathfics. Please read the descriptions to get a feel for the stories in the zine.

A Different Fire by Brenda and ELG: The events of “Into the Fire” leave Daniel having nightmares about his failed attempt to save Jack from Hathor, and Jack concealing more than friendly feelings behind a mask of indifference. Misunderstandings on both sides lead to an impasse and when Daniel agrees to spend the evening with another man Jack seems to have lost him forever.

All is Bright by Puff and Ruffle: Jack figures he has found the perfect Christmas gift in a certain archeologist.

A Walk in the Rain by Quinn: Daniel takes a long walk to sort things out…

Where Would We Be by Brionhet: A sequel to “Change in my Life” from Pretense #1. Daniel comes home.

Campfire Musings by Nancy: Jack tries to find out what is troubling Daniel, with interesting consequences. (Previously posted on a small internet list; not archived on the web.)

Thank You, and Goodbye by elfin: An alternative ending for Meridian…and a new beginning for Jack and Daniel.

Hellfire by Brenda and ELG: Before setting off for Netu Jack tries to warn Daniel about possible dangers. Discussion turns to demonstration, which leads to confession.

Plus C’est La Meme Chose by Livengoo: The morning after leaves Daniel and Jack trying to adjust to the new element in their relationship. A sequel to “Plus Ca Change” in Pretense #1.

Cooking by Circe: Daniel tries to make a meal from leftovers for his homecoming colonel but Jack is more interested in an archaeologist entrée. (PWP)

Memories by Jinx: Jack’s mistreatment during his time as a prisoner in Iraq comes back to haunt his relationship with Daniel.

Submission by Penelope: When SG1 are convicted of blasphemy, they can be saved only if one of them is prepared to undergo a ritual of submission to the local King. Daniel volunteers, but does Jack's solution to the problem make things better or worse for Daniel? A novella.

Fashion Statement by Ruffle: Daniel. Jack’s leather jacket. (Use your imagination…)

Moonlight and Understanding by Blossom: Jealousy and moonlight lead to some realizations and new understanding of life, truth and love between Jack and Daniel.

Prior Claim by Circe: Daniel is determined to conceal what Chaka really did to him on P3X-888 from Jack but Jack is a better detective than Daniel bargains for. [Pre-Slash, Daniel/Other non-con.]

Shades of Green by Ellison Wonderland: In this novella, Jack and Daniel deal with the fallout from events in Shades of Grey, and encounter a new and subtle enemy.

Protective Coloration by Graculus: Jack has spent years trying to hide from himself and his feelings. Daniel isn’t quite so easy to fool…or to hide from.

Folie A Deux by Biblio: An alien artifact plus Jack and Daniel adds up to…what else? Trouble! Or does it?

Show Me the Way to Go Home by Brenda: A night out drinking with old Air Force buddies puts Jack at odds with Daniel.

Comfort by Circe: Jack and Daniel are trapped in a confined space and begin to discuss how much they both miss the comforts of touch. Talking leads to experimenting. (PWP)

And more! Full color cover by Alice. Interior artwork by Corinna, Amy and Leah Rosenthal.

Slash fanfiction involves same sex relationships, usually between two men. 

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