XIG 1173 is an Irish number plate which is considered dateless. Therefore can be assigned to any age of a roadworthy vehicle.

The price is inclusive of VATBUT NOT THE £80 DVLA Transfer Fee which is required within 7 working days.

The number is on a Retention Certificate, so the transfer can be done 1 of 2 ways - we can send you out the certificate and you can transfer the number by posting your vehicle documents directly to Swansea CPU or we can do the transfer for you, at no extra cost, this would involve sending us your vehicle documents e.g. your V5 vehicle registration document.

The transfer will take approx 7 - 10 working days for completion. Your transfer will be completed once you receive your new V5C back from the DVLA with the new registration printed on it. Please note that the DVLA are no longer issuing completion letters to customers following a cherished transfer.