WW1, Canadian Memorial Cross Pte. W. Blore, sterling silver marked.

Walter Blore was born on July 3, 1873 in Manchester, England (as stated in 1915) or Lancashire, England (as stated in 1917). He signed his first Attestation Paper on July 6, 1915 at Niagara Camp, at the age of 42, naming his next-of-kin as his wife, Mrs. Emily E. Blore of Toronto, stating that he had eight years' previous military service with the 19th Hussars (in the Boer War), that he was married and that his trade was that of Horse Keeper. The Battalion was raised in Central Ontario under the authority of G.O. 103A, August 15, 1915. The mobilization headquarters was a Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario (Camp Niagara). The Battalion sailed November 22, 1915 from Halifax, Nova Scotia aboard the S.S. Saxonia, with a strength of 40 officers and 1,091 other ranks under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel H.A. Genet, arriving in England on December 2nd. Upon arrival, he was transferred to the 9th Reserve Battalion on June 30, 1915 but suffered from a "General Weakness". He did not perform any route marches but served as a Batman while in England, except for one occasion when he went to the Rifle Ranges but had to fall out of the march. Blore embarked for France on February 20, 1916 and served as a Batman to the Major Bellachy. One of his medical reports documents the injury that occurred to his left foot: "While on duty near Le Havre on February 29th 1916, patient was stepped on by the Major's horse. He remained on duty, having the toe dressed daily until March 4th 1916" (when it later became infected at Aldershot Camp in Belgium), "when the M.O. sent him to dressing station from there to No. 13 General Hospital". He was admitted to No. 13 General Hospital at Boulogne and diagnosed with Onychitis (inflammation of the nail bed, resulting in loss of the nail) on March 13, 1916, where he "had the toe nail removed". Blore was invalided "Sick" to the Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre on March 23rd, then admitted to the Duchess of Connaught's Canadian Red Cross Hospital at Taplow on March 25th, and after four weeks, was transferred to the Canadian Convalescent Hospital, Hillington House at Uxbridge on April 22nd, where he was to spend one more week, before being discharged on the 29th. He was placed on command to a Company Sergeant Major as a Batman and to the Officer's Mess at Shoreham on May 1, 1916, was given P.B. and sent to Military School, until November 8th. His health was in question, as he continued to experience a general overall weakness. In his Medical History of an Invalid, dated November 10, 1916, it noted that he was "an old soldier and while in (the) South African War, suffered off and on for months with dysentery" and that "When 18 years of age he had a venereal sore." Blore was unable to carry on light duties due to his debility and was sent to the Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre at Shoreham-by-Sea for discharge. It noted that he "Complains of General Weakness" and emphasized that "this man was evidently in about the same state on enlistment as at present." The Medical Board not only recommended that he be returned to Canada for additional treatment but added "When this man is discharged he be granted a Gratuity of Twenty Five Dollars under Class 6 of the Pay and Allowance Regulations 1914, as amended by P.C. 1334 of June 3rd 1916." He was placed on command to the Discharge Depot at Shoreham on November 18th, until he was struck off strength to Canada at Buxton on December 15th due to his "Debility", sailing from Liverpool, England for Canada aboard the S.S. Megantic on December 18th. Upon arrival in Canada, he was admitted to the Convalescent Home at Military District No. 2, Toronto on December 25th, then placed with the Military Hospitals Commission Command in Toronto on January 1, 1917, taken on strength Class II. He was discharged as "being medically unfit for further service Class III" on March 28, 1917 at Toronto. He continued to be hospitalized, with his medical records indicating that he also suffered from Iritis (painful inflammation of the iris of the eye) and that his "Heart (was) not enlarged. (but) Arteries (were) slightly thickened.", in addition to having Myopic Astigmatism (a specific type of astigmatism where the light focuses before it ever reaches the eye). He signed his second Attestation Paper on July 19, 1917 in Toronto, Ontario, at the age of 44, naming his next-of-kin as his wife, Mrs. Emily Elizabeth Blore of Toronto, stating that he had previous military service with the 19th Hussars and that he had been previously discharged after serving twenty months with the 58th Battalion, due to "Lung Trouble" that he was married and that his trade was that of Horse Keeper. He was admitted to Spadina Military Hospital Convalescent Centre, "D" Unit, where his Medical History of an Invalid, dated July 19, 1917, noted that he "Complains of pain in pectoral and clavicle regions, not to the shoulders or down left arm. Tender on pressure. Shortness of breath on moderate exertion." He was transferred and admitted to Whitby Military Hospital on July 27th, where his condition continued to develop. In his Medical History of an Invalid, dated April 23, 1918 at Whitby Military Hospital, it documents his condition: "General Weakness, and inability to do any heavy work such as lifting. Has a dry cough. Complains of pain in pectoral and infra clavicular regions, not to shoulder or down left arm, tender on pressure. Shortness of breath on moderate exertion particularly when stooping." It was also noted that he had Bronchitis, with Moderate Emphysema and "Expansion Poor" in his chest. Blore was discharged due to "Physical Unfitness" on May 4, 1918 at No. 2 District Depot (58th Battalion). He died on April 16, 1935, his death attributed to his war service, making him eligible for the Memorial Cross.