My Money Abundance Candle by With Intent Candles helps to shift energy and open new paths to financial abundance. They can help attract money and help increase your money flow. They can help you focus on actions to align with your goal to attract wealth and abundance. The beauty in these candles lies within "YOU". When you light your candle, you must whole heartedly feel and see your thoughts in your present, in your reality. Always make sure that thoughts going through your head are focused on abundance and success rather than lack and limitation. These Intention Candles are used to help manifest your desires and help bring your dreams into reality. These Tapered Intention Candles are about 6" long and about 2.75" in diameter. They are made with Organic Soy Wax and Hand-Crafted with Love, Healing Energy, Organic Herbs and Spices at a sound frequency of 888 htz.