Brit Care Mini Grain-Free Hair & Skin - hypoallergenic grain-free food for adult dogs of miniature breeds with long hair 2kg

Tasty dry food for miniature breeds weighing up to 10 kg with long hair or hair that requires special care.

Carefully prepared food with salmon and herring is a wholesome meal that will provide your pet with the necessary vitamins and trace elements and ensure its proper development.

The formula is fully hypoallergenic , so it does not cause hypersensitivity and food allergies. The food contains a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and salmon oil. The food is rich in salmon and herring, thanks to which your dog will have a perfect appearance, shiny and silky coat. The chamomile, cloves and sage contained in the food protect against bacteria and contribute to the improvement of dental health.


dried salmon (25%), fresh salmon protein (16%), dried herring (14%), yellow peas, chicken fat (preserved with tocopherols), chickpeas, linseed (4%), salmon oil (3%), buckwheat, evening primrose oil (1%) ) dried apples, brewer's yeast, algae (0.5%, ascophyllum nodosum), crustacean shell hydrolysate (source of glucosamine, 260 mg/kg), blueberries (230 mg/kg, source of polyphenols 70 mg/kg and flavonoids 30 mg/kg), cartilage extract (source of chondroitin, 160 mg/kg) mannan oligosaccharides (150 mg/kg) herbs and fruits (rosemary, citrus fruits, turmeric, 150 mg/kg) fructooligosaccharides (100 mg/kg) yucca schidigera (yucca schidigera) (100 mg/kg ) inulin (90 mg/kg) milk thistle (75 mg/kg) sea buckthorn (75 mg/kg) chamomile (30 mg/kg) cloves (30 mg/kg) sage (25 mg/kg)