Lantern Fount Sealing Kit

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Seal Pinholes and Small Leaks In Lantern Founts & Fuel Tanks

Contains Enough Sealer For One 1 Quart Fount

Permanently Seal Lantern Founts With Our Two Part Phenol Novolac Epoxy

Phenol Novolac Epoxies are a new breed of chemical resistant materials, able to withstand permanent immersion of many harsh solvents, fuels and oils. This Epoxy has much better bond strength than single component products, with strengths of up to 3000 PSI, and this higher strength reduces the need for a clinically clean surface, as the epoxy actually prefers to bond to a rough rusty surface. Our new phenol novolac is more thixotropic, which means it 'hangs' on the tank walls during the coating process. This gives a thicker overall coating.

The kit contains 6 fl oz of Epoxy and a measuring cup to ensure proper mixing ratios. Combine 4 fl oz Part A with 2 fl oz Part B, mix thouroughly for two minutes and then pour into the fount.

Immediately seal up the filler hole with Gladwrap and an elastic band. Swill the fount around in every direction for several minutes to obtain a good layer of Sealer over all surfaces. Remove the filler cap, Gladwrap seal, and pour out any excess. Allow to drain upside down for a few minutes.

Scrape off any excess with a sharp knife at this point (usually about 40-60 Min after mixing). Place the fount in a warm 70-90 f place and allow to cure overnight.