  • Patent pending massager made in Italy against cellulite blemishes. The invention features pairs of converged rollers that lift and tighten the part with a 'pinching' and 'kneading' effect and simultaneously pairs of divergent rollers instead work to stretch the skin.
  • With the action of the converging rollers is favoured the expulsion of excess liquids and an energetic toning action is exerted, while the diverging rollers then stretch the skin thus giving a smoothing action.
  • Just a few minutes a day : the characteristic form of Cellulite allows you to cover almost entirely the area to be treated, e.g. wrapping the thigh or allowing the treatment of both buttocks
  • Using Cellulite can help get a softer and more elastic skin, the treated area may appear more toned, slender and smoothed and can help achieve a sensitive attenuation of the visibility of blemishes
  • Do not press on the skin. The appearance of redness, peeling and slight bruising is possible, however, of a temporary nature. Cellulite is not recommended in case of fragile capillaries.