Vintage Tupperware Canape /Mini Cookie Cheese Cutter #797 & 4 Design Cutter #730 - Red – Preowned. 
#797 – Canape/Mini Cookie & Cheese Cutter - This wonderful little tool is extremely versatile. It serves 2 purposes – to make radish rose garnishes or as a cookie/cheese cutter.   Each shapes measures about 1".  Overall square measures 2" on edge and 1 1/4"tall.
To make Radish roses: Slice off end of radish to create a flat surface. Place cut end on top of cutter design and press down firmly. Or press cutter into radish. Carefully remove cut radish.
To make canapés: Use as a cookie cutter and push out cutouts on crackers, meat or cheese.

#730 – Red Cookie Cutter - Each shape measures about 1 inch.  Overall square measures 2 1/2”.  4 mini shapes: star, circle, flower, diamond.