Louisiana Civil War
 Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE


 The Ultimate Collection of 

 103 Books        



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  This USB contains 103 interesting books about the Louisiana Civil War.
 You will discover information on many topics such as history of Third Regiment, Louisiana Infantry, battle fields, camp, court, siege, time of war, civil government, journals, reports, records as well as many
illustrations of specific events, settings and portraits of
honorable people
and much more!


This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in history and genealogy!




 A southern record; the history of the Third Regiment, Louisiana Infantry (1970) - Tunnard, W. H. - 393 pages

Campaigning with Banks in Louisiana, '63 and '64, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley in '64 and '65 (1887) - Flinn, F. M. - 260 pages

Lessons in the history of Louisiana, from its earliest settlement to the close of the civil war (1877) - Dimitry, J. B. S. - 242 pages

Official reports of battles (1862) - n.a. - 586 pages

Special report of the Military Board, to the legislature of the state of Louisiana (1861) - n.a. - 10 pages

War flowers, reminiscences of four years' campaigning. Respectfully dedicated to the ladies of New Orleans (1865) - Augustin, J. A. - 106 pages

A campaign from Santa Fe to the Mississippi; being a history of the old Sibley brigade from its first organization to the present time; its campaigns in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas, in the years of 1861-2-3-4 (1865) - Noel, T. - 174 pages
A cavalryman's reminiscences of the civil war (1900) - Carter, H. - 462 pages

A Confederate desperado, undated (n.d.) - Heartsill, W. B. W. - 220 pages

A Confederate girl's diary (1913) - Dawson, S. M. - 490 pages

A Soldier's Story of the Siege of Vicksburg (1885) - Oldroyd, O. H. - 223 pages

A soldier's story of the war; including the marches and battles of the Washington artillery, and of other Louisiana troops (1874) - Bartlett, N. - 308 pages

A youth's history of the great Civil War in the United States, from 1861 to 1865 (1867) - Horton, R. G. - 430 pages
Acts passed by the Sixth Legislature of the state of Louisiana at its extra session, held in the city of Shreveport, on the 4th of May, 1863 (1863) - n.a. - 104 pages

Among the cotton thieves (1867) - Bacon, E. - 312 pages

An ordinance organizing and establishing patrols for the police of slaves in the parish of St. Landry (1863) - n.a. - 44 pages

Angels of the battlefield : a history of the labors of the Catholic sisterhoods in the late Civil War (1898) - Barton, G. - 462 pages

Annual convention of the Louisiana Division, United Sons of Confederate Veterans (1907) - n.a. - 46 pages
Annual report of the New Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Railroad Company, to the governor of the state of Louisiana (1861) - Taylor, J. M. - 22 pages

Battle fields of Louisiana revisited a second time (1898) - McManus, T. - 44 pages

Beauty and booty,' the watchword of New Orleans (1867) - n.a. - 328 pages

Camp, court and siege; a narrative of personal adventure and observation during two wars: 1861-1865; 1870-1871 (1877) - Hoffman, W. - 298 pages
Camp-fire and cotton-field southern adventure in time of war; Life with the Union armies, and residence on a Louisiana plantation (1865) - Knox, T. W. - 560 pages

Camp-fire stories of the Mississippi valley campaign Louisiana Series (1914) - Brankston, M. L. B. - 192 pages

Centenary College Goes To War In 1861 (1940) - Shaw, A. M. - 20 pages

Circular to the Officers and soldiers of the Artillery and of the Third Brigade (1862) - n.a. - 6 pages
Civil War Maps Of The 1863 Chattanooga Campaign And The Red River Expedition In Louisiana (1891) - n.a. - 1 pages

Civil war memories; Occupation of New Orelans by the 31st Massachusetts Regiment and the Forces Under Command of Gen. Butler, May 1, 1862 (1917) - Tupper, J. B. T. - 16 pages

Clarimonde: a tale of New Orleans life, and of the present war (1863) - Bartlett, N. - 88 pages
Correspondence between E. Warren Moise, Judge, Confederate Court, for Louisiana and S.B. Buckner, Lt. Gen., District Commander, West Louisiana, on a dispute between civil and military authority in a court martial case (1864) - Moise, E. W. - 10 pages

Correspondence between the mayor and federal authorities relative to the occupation of New Orleans (1862) - n.a. - 42 pages

Correspondence between the War Department and General Lovell, relating to the defences of New Orleans. Submitted in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives passed third February. 1863 (1863) - Lovell, M. - 126 pages

Crescent City Guards quick step (1861) - Wehrmann - 6 pages

Destruction and reconstruction: personal experiences of the late war (1879) - Taylor, R. - 292 pages

Drum-beat of the nation: the first period of the war of the rebellion, from its outbreak to the close of 1862 (1888) - Coffin, C. C. - 506 pages

Freedom by the sword: the U.S. Colored Troops, 1862-1867 (2011) - Dobak, W. A. - 576 pages

 General Butler in New Orleans : history of the administration of the Department of the Gulf in the year 1862 : with an account of the capture of New Orleans, and a sketch of the previous career of the general, civil and military (1864) - Parton, J. - 666 pages

General orders no. 1-25 (1868) - n.a. - 134 pages

General W.T. Sherman as college president; a collection of letters, documents, and other material, chiefly from private sources, relating to the life and activities of General William Tecumseh Sherman, to the early years of Louisiana State University, and to the stirring conditions existing in the South on the eve of the Civil War, 1859-1861 (1912) - Sherman, W. T. - 412 pages

History and civil government of Louisiana (1901) - Ficklen, J. R. - 398 pages
Hopkins' New Orleans 5 cent song book (1861) - n.a. - 20 pages
How Beauty was saved, and other memories of the sixties (1907) - Washington, A. A. S. - 84 pages

In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Orleans. A narrative of events during the late civil war from Bull run to Appomattox and Spanish fort (1885) - Owen, W. M. - 526 pages

In the lowlands of Louisiana in 1863 (1863) - Sherman, A. M. - 54 pages

Inaugural address of Governor Henry W. Allen to the legislature of the state of Louisiana, delivered at Shreveport Jan. 25, 1864 (1864) - Allen, H. W. - 22 pages
Joint resolution of the General Assembly of the state of Louisiana relative to claims against the Confederate government (1864) - n.a. - 4 pages
Letter to 'Quilty' (1863) - n.a. - 2 pages

 Life in the Army; in the Departments of Virginia, and the Gulf, including observations in New Orleans, with an account of the author's life and experience in the ministry (1868) - Gregg, J. C. - 292 pages

List of pensioners on the roll January 1, 1883 Vol.5 (1883) - n.a. - 669 pages

MacPherson, the great Confederate philosopher and southern blower (1864) - Hills, A. C. - 228 pages

March of the minute men (1860) - Eaton, E. O. - 8 pages

Military record of Louisiana; including biographical and historical papers relating to the military organizations of the state; a soldier's story of the late war, muster rolls, lists of casualities in the various regiments (so far as now known), cemeteries where buried, company journals, personal narratives of prominent actors, etc. (1875) - Bartlett, N. - 482 pages

MINUTES Twenty Sixth Annual Convention and Reunion of the Louisiana Division United Confederate Veterans (1916) - n.a. - 24 pages

Names of firms on tokens issued during the Civil War 1860-1865; (also) Names of firms on tokens other than the war series and issued from 1789 to 1890, except such as may have been issued in Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Virginia, California and far west states. (n.d.) - Levick, J. N. T. - 327 pages
Official army register of the volunteer force of the United States army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65 .. (1865) - n.a. - 96 pages
Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862 (1862) - n.a. - 20 pages

 Official journal of the proceedings of the Convention of the State of Louisiana (1861) - n.a. - 340 pages

Old times in Dixie land; a southern matron's memories (1901) - Merrick, C. E. - 258 pages

 Ordinances, resolutions and permanent orders of the city of Carrollton, La, from the date of incorporation of the city to Feb. 19th, 1862 (1862) - Porter, C. C. - 122 pages

Orleans cadets quick step (1861) - Eaton, E. O. - 6 pages

Panola. a tale of Louisiana. (1877) - Dorsey, S. A. - 266 pages

Panorama of the seat of war: birds eye view of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Florida (1861) - Bachmann, J. - 2 pages

Proceedings of the 20th annual convention and reunion of the Louisiana Division, United Confederate Veterans. (1910) - n.a. - 28 pages

Proceedings of the Court of inquiry, relative to the fall of New Orleans (1864) - n.a. - 218 pages
Proceedings of the eighth annual encampment of the Department of Louisiana and Mississippi, Grand Army of the Republic (1891) - n.a. - 26 pages

Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons, of the state of Louisiana, at its fiftieth annual communication, held at New Orleans, February 10, 1862 (1862) - n.a. - 120 pages

 Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen, brigadier-general Confederate States army, ex-governor of Louisiana (1866) - Dorsey, S. A. - 434 pages
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands Volume 1 (1920) - Booth, A. B. - 408 pages

Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands Volume 2 (1920) - Booth, A. B. - 1004 pages

Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands Volume 3 - Book 1 (1920) - Booth, A. B. - 1318 pages

Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands Volume 3 - Book 2 (1920) - Booth, A. B. - 1166 pages

Remarks of Hon. J. E. Bouligny, on the secession of Louisiana. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 5, 1861 (1861) - Bouligny, J. E. - 11 pages

Remarks of Hon. John Perkins, of Louisiana : on presenting from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, resolutions in regard to the negotiations for peace (1865) - Perkins, J. - 8 pages

Report of General Joseph E. Johnston of his operations in the departments of Mississippi and east Louisiana, together with Lieut. General Pemberton's report of the battles of Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, and the siege of Vicksburg (1864) - Johnston, J. E. - 222 pages
Report of Louisiana Relief Lodge, No. 1, to the M.W. Grand Lodge of Louisiana (1861) - n.a. - 10 pages

Report of the Adjutant General and Surgeon General of the State of Louisiana (1864) - Manning, T. C. - 10 pages

Report of the Committee on the penitentiary to the Senate of the state of Louisiana (1861) - n.a. - 10 pages

Speech of Hon. J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, on the right of secession. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 31, 1860 (1861) - Benjamin, J. P. - 16 pages

Speeches of Mr. Bouligny of La. & Mr. Sickles of N. Y. delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 5, 1861. Secession of Louisiana (1861) - Bouligny, J. E. - 8 pages
Stories of Dixie (1915) - Nicholson, J. W. - 256 pages
Strange true stories of Louisiana (1889) - Cable, G. W. - 395 pages

Studies military and diplomatic, 1775-1865 (1911) - Adams, C. F. - 456 pages

Supreme Council of the ancient and accepted Scotch Rite of Freemasonry in and for the sovereign and independent state of Louisiana, valley of New Orleans (1861) - n.a. - 98 pages
The American Cyclops, the hero of New Orleans, and spoiler of silver spoons (1868) - McLaughlin, J. F. - 70 pages

The Authority of the 'Provisional Court' of Louisiana (1865) - n.a. - 7 pages

The campaigns of Walker's Texas division by a private soldier. Containing a complete record of the campaigns in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas (1875) - Blessington, J. P. - 328 pages

 The cession of Louisana to the United States (1861) - Gayarre?, C. - 6 pages

The Civil War in song and story 1860-1865 (1889) - Moore, F. - 594 pages

The conspirators of New Orleans, or, The night of the battle (1863) - Peck, W. H. - 136 pages

The Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Comprising also a history of the siege of Port Hudson (1889) - Willis, H. A. - 266 pages
The history of the Civil War in America : comprising a full and impartial account of the origin and progress of the rebellion, of the various naval and military engagements, of the heroic deeds performed by armies and individuals, and of touching scenes in the field, the camp, the hospital, and the cabin Vol.1 (1864) - Abbott, J. S. C. - 560 pages

The history of the Civil War in America : comprising a full and impartial account of the origin and progress of the rebellion, of the various naval and military engagements, of the heroic deeds performed by armies and individuals, and of touching scenes in the field, the camp, the hospital, and the cabin Vol.2 (1864) - Abbott, J. S. C. - 672 pages

The journal of Julia Le Grand, New Orleans, 1862-1863 (1911) - Waitz, J. E. - 359 pages
The Louisiana Scalawags - Politics, Race, and Terrorism During the Civil War and Reconstruction (2012) - Wetta, F. J. - 257 pages
The philosophy of secession : a southern view, presented in a letter addressed to the Hon. Mr. Perkins of Louisiana, in criticism on the provisional constitution adopted by the Southern Congress at Montgomery, Alabama (1861) - Spratt, L. W. - 8 pages

The Second Louisiana (1863) - Boker, G. H. - 14 pages

The South vindicated (1903) - Rogers, J. H. - 44 pages

The story of the 26th Louisiana infantry, in the service of the Confederate States (1890) - Hall, W. - 248 pages

The tyrant of New Orleans (1873) - n.a. - 56 pages

To our dead of New Hope : Corporal W. Brunet, Private R.A. Bridgins (1864) - Bridgins, R. A. - 4 pages

To the officers and members of the Crescent Rifles (1861) - n.a. - 4 pages
United States Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana (1864) - n.a. - 11 pages

United States Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana, 1862-1865 (n.d.) - Peabody, C. A. - 22 pages


Here are a few images from the collection:




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