Hair bow In spring green leather look for girls handmade In Tampa. New

 We are a top rated Ebay Store and while we specialize in Vintage Jewelry, we love all things vintage and antique! You can find everything from collectables, scarves, hats and shoes. We are in the field weekly so check back often to see our most recents finds!

   All items are Antique, Vintage, Preowned and or Used and are SOLD AS IS and there are no returns, the pictures shown are part of the description so if there are any questions please message me before bidding or purchasing! 

   Combined Shipping---

We do combine shipping when multiple items are purchased. I recycle all boxes and packaging.

I feel my prices are fair and affordable but I am a motivated seller, if you are interested in any of my items please don’t hesitate making a reasonable offer.

Nice vintage condition! Please understand vintage condition can have age wear and age love!