Bed Bug Steam Killer.

**color may vary depending upon availability however each steamer has the same Bed Bug Killing Capability!!!!

This Steamer delivers temperatures that will kill bed bugs on contact and should be used where these pests are hiding to eliminate Adults-Larva & Eggs 160 degrees ! This device is highly effective on exposed surfaces- Like beds & boxsprings - carpets- fabrics, crevices, and other hard-to-rich areas, it can eradicate a large portion of bed bugs in the hard-to-rich areas. This steamer is 1200 watts and works exceptionally well by producing temperatures in excess of 160°F and above so that it will kill bed bugs and their eggs on contact - NON TOXIC child safe way to dispatch Bed Bugs 🐞! These little critters are easy to get rid of if you apply steam to all areas where they inhabit! Steam is safe on bedding and this steamer is perfect for killing the bugs and eggs inside the cracks and nooks and crannies of your bedroom !

The Bed Bug Steam Cleaner harnesses the power of steam to help you take control of your bacteria and insect infestations. At a constant temperature of 210 degrees Fahrenheit, the steam will ensure that bacteria, mold and unwanted bed bugs become a distant memory.

The Bed Bug Steamer will quickly and safely kill bed bug debris and eggs making certain your environment is safe and free from parasites. It cleans and sanitizes all types of surfaces and hiding places in every room of the house.

The Bed Bug Steam Cleaner has the perfect attachments to sanitize every inch of your home to make it free from Bed Bugs, Lice and Nits, Scabies Mites, Skin Parasites, and Pet Mange and Ear Mites.

Our high quality multipurpose steam cleaner harnesses the power to steam to help you gain control of harmful bacteria and insect infestations the natural way! Bed bugs and parasites are very sensitive to heat and are rapidly killed when exposed to very hot temperatures.

If heat is used for bed bug and parasite control, it is important that the high temperatures are applied suddenly. At a constant temperature of 210 degrees Fahrenheit, the steam,unwanted parasites and pests are gone on contact.

Using the portable Steamer is the most practical method of exploiting heat. The great advantage is that it will kill all insects, bed bugs and parasite in different stages; including the eggs. By killing the eggs, you immediately eliminate the problem when the eggs hatch.

This Bed Bug Steamer comes with different many different attachments allowing you to treat any surfaces and hard-to-reach areas, be it your bed / carpet / curtains or clothing ! The steamer includes a nine-foot hose and a long cord with a length of about 16 feet. The built-in water tank is able to reach maximum temperature within minutes. With hot steam of the appropriate temperature the machine will efficiently eliminate bed bugs and their eggs !

How to Use Steamers to Kill Bed Bugs? Bed bugs are one of the most insidious pests that can infiltrate one’s home. Once you’ve experienced a bed bug infiltration, there are very few cost and time-effective ways to keep them from taking over. Bed bugs tend to live in groups, and typically hide in mattresses, headboards, box springs, and other pieces of bedroom furniture that allow them to access humans at night in order to sustain themselves. Eventually, bed bugs will continue to move throughout the rooms in your home and may even spread to your neighbors’ homes if given the opportunity.

You’ll need to be diligent in ensuring every nook and cranny is freed from every single bug in order to ensure they won’t continue to breed. While there are many suggested ways to rid your home of these creatures, steaming is one of the most efficient and accessible methods for doing so. What’s more, if done correctly, it is the method with the smallest amount of cleanup with the least room for error.In fact, according to the University of Minnesota, “steam is a very effective method for killing bed bugs.” That is, provided one is following the proper steps. When it comes to eliminating bed bugs through steaming, one should be sure to follow this step by step guide or risk letting bed bugs continue to run rampant in their home.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs by Using a Steamer and following the easy Step-by-Step Plan outlined here! This steamer is 1200 Watts which makes it the right Steamer to get rid of Bed Bugs for good ! This commercial grade steamer which will allow the water to quickly heat up to over 165 degrees which is the temperature necessary to eliminate Bed Bugs and their eggs ! While it might be tempting, you should not use a carpet steamer as most carpet cleaners will not get hot enough to kill all the bed bugs eggs negating all of your hard work. The temperature this Bed Bug steamer reaches is 212-230°F which is way higher than 160 and 180°F that is necessary to kill Adult Bed Bugs and their Eggs! This Commercial Grade Bed Bug Steamer is made specifically to produce enough heat to Kill Adult - Laval - Eggs from Bed Bugs and is an integral part of any system used to dispatch Bed Bugs from your house once and for all !!

Attach a pinpoint nozzle to a steam wand, as this will allow you to effectively kill any eggs that have fallen into crevices along your walls and on your mattress and box spring ! You should steam 1 foot, or 30 cm, at a time, and be sure to cover this distance every 10 to 15 seconds slowly sweeping over your bed - box spring - and all the nooks and crannies & crevices around your home by slowly sweeping you will maximize the potential for the steam to effectively kill bed bugs and their eggs! !

Select the the right temperature setting. While steaming, check to make sure the temperature is within the correct range after a few minutes it will be at the 160F - 200F degrees needed to kill bed bugs and their eggs! This steamer was designed to reach the high temperatures that are necessary to kill Adult / Larva / & Eggs !

Be sure to use the steamer everywhere. It will be effective in up to 3/4″ of fabric. Any bed bugs not touched by the steam will likely survive, so do not be afraid to steam more than once. By purchasing this steamer which is capable of getting into the crevices - and is capable of getting up to the temperature range to treat the issue at hand - Killing Bed Bugs & their Eggs! !

This Commercial steamer is more than capable of reaching the boiling temperature between 160 and 180°F, thus this steamer is more than powerful enough to tackle a bed bug infestation and save you money on toxic and harsh chemicals that can contaminate your living environment and contribute to health issues or harm your beloved pets - birds and reptiles are highly susceptible to low levels of toxic pesticides! Steamers eliminate the need for costly and toxic pesticides by using water and heat to dispatch your problem rather than expensive sprays and powders that can contaminate your home ! I have many years of experience eliminating Bed Bugs from my customers homes and this is the exact device that I have used with a high degree of success - exterminators will use the same device to eliminate Bed Bugs from your home however they will charge literally hundreds of dollars to effectively use a similar commercial grade steamer and charge you ten times what I am charging -at least you will still have this steamer which can also be used effectively to steam clean your couches -carpets -curtains -and much much more !

Thank you for your interest ! This is one purchase you will not regret ! I have personally dealt with Bed Bugs and know firsthand that you want to get rid of them ! The Color of the actual item may vary from the one pictured according to availability however it will have the exact same specifications otherwise ! that you will receive ! Items ship fast packaged safely and securely via USPS with a tracking number uploaded to eBay!