LIFE Magazine 1950, March 27 Mystery Flight  Anne Bromley, Bones Of St. Peter


Life Magazine Cover : Mrs. Anne Bromley (formerly Anne Brewster), mystery flight.

  • Photo essay – The search for the bones of St. Peter, the Vatican grottoes.
  • Nice full page color GoodYear ad with target shooting theme.
  • Fun feature about the excellent-sounding “Mystery Flight” where people paid $125 for 2 and a half days at an unknown destination, in this case it was the Grand Bahama.
  • Nice full page movie poster ad for “The Capture” starring Lew Ayres and Teresa Wright.
  • Boss Dallas Winslow (Detroit manufacturer) in Springfield, Ohio gives workers free cars.
  • Photos of first night landings of jet planes on a Navy aircraft carrier.
  • Full page color TWA airline ad.
  • Southern politicking, including photo of Gordon Persons arriving in helicopter.
  • Hunger strikes farm labor camps, includes photos from Avondale camp near Phoenix.
  • History’s worst plane crash, chartered plane with Rugby fans coming back from Belfast Rugby matches, Sigginston.
  • The cast of Leopold of Belgium is still unsolved.
  • Billy Graham in Dixie.
  • Paris couture in Miniature – fashion for little kids.
  • Rather horrible story about hippos dying in drying out lake in Tanganyika, Lake Rukwa.
  • Nylon in 1950.
  • Television – Morgan, the basset dog star.
  • The Big Leagues’ youngest team, Philadelphia Phillies baseball with photos of Mike Goliat, George Earnshaw and others.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Blanche Thebom, opera Longhair.
  • Full page color United States Brewers Foundation beer ad with indoor golf, art by Douglass Crockwell.

All magazines, comics, and print ads are boarded and sleeved.