Softcover volume of Scotland's Crafts edited by Louise Butler and published by the National Museums of Scotland dated 2001.

"Scotland's Crafts explores the rich diversity of crafts which have a continuing tradition and style distinctive to Scotland. Set against a historical context, the book represents the work of contemporary makers: textiles from Shetland, such as spinning and Fair Isle knitting, tartan weaving and the making of Highland dress, shepherd's crooks and sticks, Orkney straw backed chairs, traditional coastal and island boats, baskets and bagpipes, Harris Tweed and the use of natural dyes. Whilst some craft forms have enjoyed continuing interest and are still widely practised, others are localised and now in the ha ds of just a few individuals".

The book is in good/very good condition. Note that the cover page has been signed: "With love, Jeanne 7-'02".