Morin Quur, Morin khuur, khuur, quur, horsehead fiddle 马头琴,中级

Finger board, tuning pegs, tailpiece: rosewood


Sideboard, baseboard,  back, head: hardwood from Manchuria 

Sound board:  
white pine 

Intermediate grade

Made in northern China where climate is similar to Canada's

Complete set with bow, rosin, bridge, and carrying bag

Shipping to Canada and USA only!!!

电话Call/text: 416 838 3478

Local pick up available (saving you shipping cost)

About Us:



Toronto Chinese Music Centre is an organization, set up, and run by former professors/lectures from China’s most prestigious music academy.  The most professional one of such kind in Canada in combining teaching, performance, and sale of instruments. 
  • Teaching
    Former professors and lectures offering high-quality lessons on Chinese musical instruments. Many former students have achieved highly in China, Taiwan, Singapore, becoming music professors, orchestra leaders, sectional leaders. 

  • Performance/promotion of Chinese music
    Having performed at prestigious venues worldwide.

  • Sale of Chinese instruments
    Collection of musical instruments from good makers across China. Offering unsurpassed service: most of the instruments are set up, adjusted, tuned, by teachers, so that buyers can play it right away upon receiving it. Free Master Classes are offered to buyers of some instruments.  

Contact us:

416 838 3478

WeChat: TorontoMusicPro