I have for sale a COPY of a 1982 Winchester Sporting News picture of John Wayne.  Printed on  8 1/2" x 11" Card Stock.  Buyer will also receive a FREE story of the MODEL 94 Carbine which is printed on the backside.  Look on the Bottom left side of Picture, it shows a picture of John Wayne on a Box of Winchester 32-40 Ammo.   Buyer will also receive 2  FREE Photos of John Wayne and his Son in TRUE GRIT and a FREE Winchester Decal + a FREE 8 1/2" x 11" Photo.  Great Items to put in a Frame and Hang on a wall to display.  1 st. time on ebay.  No one else has these Items for sale.  YOU ARE NOT BUYING THE MAGAZINE, you are only buying a photo of the Cover and the back page.