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The Emerald is something of an enigma, but it?s here to heal the heart, help you spring forth in fabulous refreshed energy, and can bring all kinds of goodness into your life. If Emerald doesn?t excite you, take a look at our healing crystal guide to essential gemstones and browse all the beautiful stones that can make your heart sing.

Physical Healing 

It can also strengthen the eyes, sharpen memory, and help to temper gastric issues too. With its rejuvenating energy, it is also said to have the power to freshen up tired organs. From the liver to the beautiful beat of your heart, Emerald brings strength and power to all parts of the body. Emerald was also believed to be a stone of luck and fertility so for all those setting out on this journey, this could be a trusted talisman to carry with you.

Mental & Emotional Healing

Emerald is called the stone of eternal love and this also feeds into unconditional love too. It?s a crystal that calls to the heart and clears out any weight or dark energy that could be clogging up your emotional system. Back to that vibrant and rejuvenating energy - for those times when you feel slumped or overwhelmed or as though you are trapped in victim narratives or when you have lost your personal power, the Emerald stone will lend a hand and lift you right back up. While we sometimes see Emerald as a weighty wealthy wonder, its luminous properties and calming hues of green actually give it a lightness that can transfer to your own body and mind. With that sense of lightness comes the power of play, the spring birth of something new, and an authentic connection with a willingness to let in those that you love. Emerald is a great gem for those wanting to deepen their relationships and throw down their fear when it comes to commitment issues. 

Zodiac Birthstone

Emerald is the birthstone for Taurus. Those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus are spring creatures and as we know, Emerald is the stone to celebrate the bright burst of new life and the changing of the seasonal guard. But beyond spring energy, Emeralds and Taureans have so much more in common and this green gem supports many sides of the Taureans personality. It supports you in your journey through life particularly when it comes to transforming love into something a little more altruistic. Taureans can have a tendency to want to possess when it comes to love and the Emerald stone helps them to balance this by encouraging sharing, peace, and plentitude. Both Taurus and the Emerald share an association with Venus and both encourage valuing connection and relationships.