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I am Krishna

Vol 3

By Deep Trivedi

I am Krishna � Vol 3 � Dwarka � From Dreams to Reality� is the third book in the series, �I am Krishna� by bestselling author of 'I Am The Mind', Deep Trivedi. The book narrates intriguing events of Krishna�s life and answers several significant questions about his life such as: Why did Krishna create Dwarka? Why did he abduct the love of his life�Rukmini? What was the catalyst that necessitated Krishna to delve deeper into the political realm of Aryavarta? �I am Krishna Vol. 1� has received an overwhelming response since its release and was also nominated for Crossword Book Awards 2018 in the Non-Fiction Popular Category. �I am Krishna� is a product of research from over 15 ancient texts, which not only depicts Krishna�s life chronologically, but also strives to explain the psychological import of his actions along with answering all the questions related to his life. This book, which is a biography of Krishna, will enlighten readers on how Krishna, using the power of his mind, overcame the challenges that came his way, emerging victorious against all odds. Most importantly, this riveting story, which is a first-person account, will provide the reader with deep psychological insights into Krishna�s life, a powerful and revered personality about whom everyone wants to know and understand. Since the author of the book is a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics, the book depicts the psychology of Krishna at various important points and its subsequent transitions, which makes it clear for the readers as to what he did and why. This book has been extensively researched and the years of Krishna�s life have been threaded together from: Mahabharat, Shatapatha Brahmana, Aitareya Aaranyak, Nirukta, Ashtadhyayi, Garga Samhita, Jataka Katha, Arthashastra, Indika, Harivamsa Puran, Vishnu Puran, Mahabhashya, Padma Puran, Markandey Puran and Kurma Puran... This book is also available in Hindi and Gujarati.

I am Krishna

Notice: The displayed image is a symbolic representation of the book, The actual book cover image may differ. ( Why? Sometimes publishers change the cover image with reprints, we have thousands of listings, it is practically impossible to keep track of all those changes.)

    Book Information:
  • ISBN 13: 9789384850425
  • Publisher: Aatman Innovations Pvt Ltd
  • Year: 2019
  • Format: Paperback
  • Author:Mr. Deep Trivedi is a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics, an eminent and prolific author and also a speaker. He speaks on numerous topics related to human life such as joy, success, confidence, functions of the mind, functions of the DNA and genes, fear, ego, hypocrisy, complexes, laws of nature, etc. in a unique series titled DeepTalks. His command over the understanding of human life can be gauged by the fact that he has created a national record for delivering the �Most Lectures on Human Life�, as per India Book of Records. His marathon series on Bhagavad Gita has also been recognised as a new national record by India Book of Records for �Most Lectures on Bhagavad Gita�, which is 168 hrs, 28 mins, 50 secs in 58 days. These lectures have been delivered in front of a live audience across India. The series of these lectures is currently being telecast on EPIC channel every Sunday morning between 10 am - 11 am and the repeat telecast is aired every Saturday 11 pm to 12 midnight. The DVDs and audio CDs of these lectures are already in great demand all over India and are available at all leading e-commerce sites. Deep Trivedi also has a large following on Facebook and Twitter, and his videos have garnered a large number of viewers on YouTub