[Autographs.] F.G.H. SALUSBURY. George V and Edward VII, A Royal Souvenir, London: Daily Express Publications, 1936.

Quarto, pp. 160, cloth boards (back is purple, front has faded to brown, gravures of British royal family and events. A label on the front paste-down says this book was a gift to Meyer Oppenheim (the Scottish financier and philanthropist) from the crew of the Aquitania, with 165 signatures, some from the Aquitania's sister ship Mauretania, some possibly from passengers. The Aquitania, which was also a sister ship to the ill-fated Lusitania, symbolized the the golden age of ocean travel. It was known for longevity, luxury and service in both world wars.

Condition of this book
Boards detached, backstrip and free front endpaper perished. Generally poor.