Hand Colored Views Grand Canyon of Arizona El Tovar Studio. Hand Colored Views. Grand Canyon of ArizonaGrand Canyon, Arizona: El Tovar Studio, ca  (11 x 14 inches). 12 tipped-in color photographs print size (9.5 x 7.5 inches). cover shows chipping and staining. prints in good condition

Fred Harvey is a legend in the tourist business throughout the western states. His hotel El Tovar at the edge of Grand Canyon, is one of the most visited sites in Arizona. First printed in 1908 and reprinted with different photographic techniques for decades, this photo album containing 18 colored photos is a souvenir publication illustrating the magnificent views of the Grand Canyon Region. Included are views of Bright Angel Trail, Split Rock, Cape Horn, Jacob's Ladder, Indian Gardens, Colorado River, Devil's Corkscrew, Zoroaster, O'Neill's Point, Hopi Point, Point Sublime, Thor's Hammer, Grand View, and many others.