This is a collection of every single episode of the UK soap Eastenders. All the episodes are video files contained on a brand new 4 TB external hard drive (NO DVDs). The average file size of an episode is between 230 - 350 MB. There are a couple of different types of video file on the drive, (MP4 and AVI) but they are now mostly MP4 and all good to excellent quality. This collection contains 6’924 episodes from Feb 19th 1985, up to and including June 11th 2024.

I have carefully cultivated this collection over a long period of time, and it became apparent that the sheer amount of DVDs required to hold this many episodes would be too time consuming and just too cumbersome.

I therefore put everything onto one large external hard drive, and if you have a newish one, you can use the USB port on the back of your Smart TV, there is no need to transfer the files to a different location, everything can be viewed directly from the drive itself. I connect the drive to my TV all the time and it looks awesome, and it’s easy to navigate through the files.

If you don’t have a Smart TV that can read the files directly (and some TVs can’t) just connect the drive to your laptop or PC and then connect that to your TV via the HDMI port. Your computer screen will show up on one of your TVs external channels.

Each year has its own folder, and inside each year folder the episodes are split into month folders. So, if you want to re-live the very first episode again, you simply select the 1985 folder, then once inside that folder, you navigate to February and open that up. Inside the individual month folders you will just need to read the date on each filename to be able to select the episode you want to watch.

Some filenames are more obvious than others, this is because these files have been collected from many different places over the years, but its easy enough to figure out which episode you want to watch, just READ THE FILENAME PROPERLY. 

Some of these files are also the omnibus episodes that used to be shown on Sundays in the UK, and contained all the episodes of that particular week. The date on those is the Sunday date, and they are a bigger size file because they contain three or four episodes.

I have gone through this collection a few times to check if all the episodes are there, and so far as I can tell, they are. Should there be any episodes missing (which I seriously doubt - I did an audit twice) I am confident I can track down whatever is missing and send it to you. Like I said before, it’s over 6’500 episodes, so I guess it’s possible that there’s a mistake in there somewhere, but I can assure you that I have done my best to make sure there is nothing missing.

I will be sending this package from the US at no cost to yourself, (unless there’s customs fees - can’t do anything about that) because that’s where I live now.

Anyway, if you’re an Eastenders fan this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, it’s a chance to go back and enjoy all those classic episodes from years passed. Den and Angie’s divorce papers Christmas classic, Sharongate, Who shot Phil, Max & Stacey’s affair, Eddie Royal’s murder, Dirty Den & Michelle’s baby, Frank hitting Tiffany with his car outside the Vic, Dennis getting stabbed also outside the Vic. Phil burning the Vic down, several people falling off the Vic roof, Archie and Den being killed inside the Vic and many many more classic moments from the last 39 years on Albert Square.

Remember: This is well over 6’500 episodes of a very popular TV show that you can’t buy anywhere, housed neatly on an external drive worth $100. It’s a good deal. If you got this far, thanks for reading.