Grain dry mycelium of Amanita fulva  - 10 g, 30 g, 100 g 

Ukrainian mushrooms

The cap is smooth, slightly mucous, golden-brown or orange-brown in color, often with a dark spot in the center, bell-shaped or convex in young mushrooms and flat with a pronounced tubercle in mature ones, with distinctly furrowed edges. It reaches 4-10 cm in diameter.
The pulp is thin at the edge of the cap, fleshier in the center, soft, watery, whitish, becomes chocolate-brown under the action of phenol solutions. It does not have a specific smell, with a weak sweetish taste.
The leg is fragile, hollow, reaches 8-14 cm in height and up to 1.2 cm in diameter, it is thickened in the lower part, at the base (under the volva) and narrowed to the top, first it is made, then it becomes hollow. The surface is monotonous whitish or whitish-brown in color, smooth, less often with small felt scales.
Plates are free, frequent, white or cream, there are plates.
The spore powder is whitish.
Remains of the cover: the volva is leathery, sac-shaped, whole, does not grow to the leg, whitish or light brown; the ring is missing; there are usually no fragments on the cap either, less often silver-yellow silky remnants are visible on the edge, disappearing with age.
The yellow-brown floater is a conditionally edible mushroom with a pleasant taste, it is used for food only after preliminary boiling.

Instructions for growing wood-destroying mushrooms on plant residues in bags (intensive method):

1) The substrate is homogeneous (for example, only straw) or combined in any proportions of two or more components (for example, straw + hay + sawdust) placed in a container and pour boiling water.
2) Allow the steamed substrate to cool naturally to + 20 + 30 °С.
3) Squeeze well and mix thoroughly with mycelium (100 g per 40 kg of moistened substrate).
4) Place in a transparent plastic bag, slightly crushing. Tie up.
5) For air exchange, make several cuts 3-5 cm in size over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe package. The mushroom block is ready.
6) Place the blocks indoors or in a shady place in the garden in a variety of ways, but it is better to hang.
7) During the germination period (4-5 weeks) light is not necessary. At first, pubescence is observed, then the substrate will take on a white or slightly yellowish color and turn into a dense block.
8) After 1.5-2 weeks, the rudiments of fruiting bodies appear. We already need light.
9) In the places of the rudiments of the fruiting bodies, cuts are made in the film. Fruiting takes place in waves in 2-3 weeks. The first 2 waves bring the greatest harvest.
10) Time periods are indicated for oyster mushrooms. For shiitake and mushrooms from sowing to the first mushrooms about 4 months.

Instructions for growing wood-destroying mushrooms on deciduous non-rotten wood (extensive method):

1) Bars, logs, cuts, etc. can be of any size, but preferably 30-40 cm long and 25 cm in diameter. They are soaked in water for a week. Freshly sawn ones can not be soaked or soaked for only 1-2 days.
2) Holes are drilled or filed in the bar, mycelium is added (100 g per 40 kg), the holes are covered with straw or plugged with a cotton / paper swab or otherwise.
3) The period of mycelium overgrowing is 4-7 months at t + 7 + 27 ° С.
4) Placed in a shady place in the garden or in a ventilated area.
5) Harvesting - 1-2 times in spring and 1-2 times in autumn, harvest it also possible in summer under favorable climatic conditions.

Instructions for growing forest mushrooms in a personal plot under trees:

1) Loosen the ground under the tree in such a way that a depression of 15-20 cm is formed, depending on the location of the roots near the soil surface.
2) Evenly scatter the mycelium over the entire loosened surface - 50 g per 1 m2.
3) Cover with garden or forest soil, mixed with humus in equal parts. Sprinkle on top of the earth that was formed during loosening.
4) Planting can be carried out at any time of the year, if there are no natural obstacles, and under any tree species.
5) Watering is carried out in the dry period often - 10 liters per 1m2.
6) Mushrooms appear in spring and autumn, but for the first time not earlier than a year after planting. Sometimes you have to wait 2-3 years. First harvest 350-500 g/m2, next 1.5-2.5 kg/m2. Mycelium grows for many years, while a living tree.
7) Every year, in the hot or cold season (when mushrooms do not grow), evenly sprinkle humus and / or earth on top of the mushroom planting site at the rate of 5-6 kg / m

- Seeds are organically grown, DO NOT contain GMO elements.
- Seed packages are labeled in English with basic growing instructions included.

- There can be different packages - the seeds are the same.

- Shipping within 24h after cleared payment.
Usual transit time to:
 Europe is 21 days,
US and Canada is 25-30 days,
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- Items are shipped from Ukraine.
Many countries has specific Phytosanitary regulations,
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Please be aware that import customs clearance is your responsibility and it is beyond of our control.

- We are always ready to answer your questions or help you to find seeds you are interested in.

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