LEGO Bionicle Toa Hewkii 8730 - Rare and Complete Set with Light-up Laser Axe, Zamor Spheres and Sanok Mask

Price: £24.99

Are you a fan of LEGO Bionicle, the epic story of biomechanical heroes and villains that spanned over a decade? Do you want to own a piece of Bionicle history and relive the adventures of Toa Hewkii, the brave and humorous Toa of Stone who searched for the Mask of Life on the island of Voya Nui? If so, you’ll love this LEGO Bionicle Toa Hewkii 8730 set, which is rare and complete with the original Inika Light-up Laser Axe, Zamor Spheres and Sanok Mask (missing chain).

This set features Toa Hewkii, one of the six Matoran who were transformed into the Toa Inika by a bolt of lightning from the Red Star. He wielded the power of stone laced with electricity and wore the Great Mask of Accuracy, which enhanced his aim. He also used a Light-up Laser Axe to slice through his enemies and a Zamor Sphere Launcher to fire spheres of pure energy. He was a loyal and courageous leader, who always fought for his friends and his people.

This set is in excellent condition and comes with the original parts. It is easy to build and fun to play with, as you can make the axe light up by pressing a button on the hilt. You can also pose Toa Hewkii in different ways and recreate his battles against the Piraka, the Barraki or Makuta. You can also combine this set with other Bionicle sets to form more complex models or characters.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get this amazing LEGO Bionicle set for only £24.99 with free delivery!
It is a perfect gift for yourself or any Bionicle fan in your life.

Please check out my other listings where you can find more awesome LEGO Bionicle sets at great prices.