This meticulously handcrafted stone necklace featuring a captivating Tumi design inspired by the Chavín culture. The Tumi, a ceremonial sacrificial knife, has deep cultural significance and embodies the spiritual essence of ancient Peru.

The centerpiece of this exquisite necklace features a finely detailed Tumi blade, adorned with the face of Naymlap, the revered deity and creator of the Sican Kingdom, also known as the Lambayeque culture. The intricate depiction of Naymlap adds an aura of mystique and reverence, connecting you to the spiritual realm of ancient Peruvian traditions.

Handmade Peruvian necklace with Tumi design inspired by the Chavín culture
Intricately detailed Tumi blade featuring Naymlap, the god of the Sican Kingdom
Meticulous workmanship and carefully selected stones for a unique and authentic look.
Cultural symbol of protection and reverence, which unites you with the ancient Peruvian traditions
Perfect for collectors, history enthusiasts and people who appreciate fine art. This necklace is handmade by Peruvian artisans Chavin de Huantar
Measure 10 inches 
Measure 8.11 inches