In this book you are shown how to harness the tremendous power of Cosmic Magnetism for enrichment of your life at every level. For years, the author has given startling lectures and demonstrations on this subject to overflow audiences - he has demonstrated time and again that Cosmic Magnetism is the key to opening vast new worlds of opportunity for you - worlds of wealth, power, love, and happiness which may have previously been denied to you. Yes, says Anthony Norvell, Use my simple. proven methods to surround yourself with a cloud of powerful cosmic energy. Then see what happens when you use it to: - Attract and acquire as much wealth as you desired; - Charm and enchant members of the opposite sex; - Improve your body's health, giving you a life force that can survive a hundred years or more; - Attract into your life the people you want to meet, and make them help you however you may wish; - Win fame and success in any field you choose to enter. Let Norvell show you how to apply the secret of Magnetic Writing to draw the people you want to your side. Let Norvell show you the 3 Cosmic Creative Commands which are said to work miracles in everyday life. Let Norvell teach you how to project Good Luck Cycles for yourself and Cosmic Magnetism - to make surging waves of prosperity flow at your command. In these, and many other ways, you will be able to command cosmic abundance to enrich your life. It doesn't matter where your life has led you until now... it doesn't matter what your attitude is toward miraculous events... the mighty force of Cosmic Magnetism rests within you and these few simple steps are all you must take to unleash it for fantastic results.
