Parasite/Worm Cleanse Pack ~ Black Walnut Hull Tincture, Wormwood, Clove Capsules. 
Complete with full dosage instructions.

This is a protocol for cleansing parasites and worms out of the body.

Pack consists of:

Black Walnut Tincture 1:3  50ml

Wormwood Capsules 300mg 60 capsules

Organic Clove Capsules 450mg 60 capsules

Protocol and dosage instructions.

Parasite Cleanse Handy Chart

Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength DoseWormwood Capsule Dose (200-300mg)Clove Capsule Dose (500mg)
Day1 time per day, like before a meal, in 1/2 cup of watercapsules 1 time per day, on empty stomach (before meal)capsules 3 times a per day, like at mealtime
11 drop (or 1 capsule)11,1,1
22 drops (or 1 capsule)12,2,2
33 drops (or 1 capsule)23,3,3
44 drops (or 1 capsule)23,3,3
55 drops (or 1 capsule)33,3,3
62 tsp. (or 2 capsules)33,3,3
7Now once a week43,3,3
126Now once a week
132 tsp. (or 2 capsules)7
17Now once a week

Black Walnut Hull

Black walnut hull extract is made by harvesting the green hulls which surround the nut of the black walnut tree.

These green hulls are stripped from the nuts and cleaned. Then they are broken down into smaller parts and soaked in a solution of organic grain alcohol and distilled water.

Some of the natural chemicals do not dissolve in water and hence the reason the alcohol is used. This is a very common ingredient in the manufacture of liquid herbal remedies and it is taken is tiny amounts which are negligible.

Black walnut hull extract has been used for many hundreds of years to help control and eliminate parasites from the body. It can be bought separately or with the two other anti parasite herbs clove and wormwood.

Traditional uses of black walnut are: expel parasites, worms, yeast, lower blood pressure, help thyroid problems (especially low thyroid output), skin fungus, asthma, beriberi, diarrhea, sore throat, and lung disease. Powdered black walnut has been used to clean teeth and tighten gums.

Black Walnut has also been used to aid digestion, act as a mild laxative, help heal mouth and sore throat, and to cleanse the body of various parasites.

It is also known to be good for fungal infections, herpes, poison ivy, and warts. It also may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Many people have parasites
More and more people are concerned these days about the presence of intestinal parasites and worms in the body.   According to numerous studies, nearly 85% of Americans and peoples of “civilised” countries have parasites of one kind or another in their bodies.

Some researchers believe the number is closer to 100%.

Due to the vast number of illnesses implicating parasites as the cause, a regular natural detoxification program including an anti-parasite formula and colon cleanser to promote proper elimination has been recommended by various naturopaths.

Black Walnut Hull has been used to treat the following conditions:
ringworm & worms
fungal and parasitic infections
mouth sores & herpes
poison ivy
acne, eczema and other skin conditions
toxic blood conditions


Wormwood has been used for hundreds of years as a natural treatment against these invaders.

It is also commonly used with Black Walnut Hull extract and Clove to form a complete natural anti parasite course.

It has been used throughout history as a vermifuge. A vermifuge is a substance able to destroy or expel intestinal worms).

Wormwood is also highly valued, especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system.

It increases stomach acid naturally, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients. It also eases wind and bloating and, if taken regularly, can help the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness.

Wormwood has been shown to help increase bile production in the body and more than one theory suggests that it is this increased bile production as well as the herb itself which helps eliminate some worms.

Wormwood only kills harmful parasites. Please do not confuse these harmful parasites with normal healthy bacteria called “Intestinal Flora”. These good bacteria help to digest food and eliminate waste. They are in fact a very necessary part of the human digestive system.

Many modern processed foods, drugs, chlorinated water and chemicals can kill off many of these good bacteria. As well as upsetting the digestive balance, this can allow parasites to thrive in the absence of normal intestinal flora.

Maintain a healthy diet whilst on a parasite cleanse, the more healthy your diet the better. In truth the same applies after as well. Try to eat a diet with lots of fresh vegetables, particularly greens, carrots and other root vegetables. Our special formulation of Superfood is also particularly effective.


Clove has been used for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years to help eliminate parasitic eggs and worm infections.
It is usually used in conjunction with Wormwood and Black Walnut Hull extract to form a complete anti parasite remedy.

Killing Parasite eggs
Parasites lay eggs, often thousands every day. According to most researchers, parasite eggs can be destroyed by cloves and/or clove oil. Many parasites hide in the folds of the large intestine or under the membrane lining of the intestines. When the eggs hatch, there is often some acute pain or discomfort and usually the need to go to the bathroom immediately.

Cloves are one of the most antibacterial spices known. Those with some familiarity with herbal medicine know that cloves or clove oil can be used to numb pain due to dental infection and part of the reason clove works so well is that it alleviates the infection. Cloves are antiseptic, bactericidal, and antiparasitic.

Superb health properties
Cloves are said to have a positive effect on stomach ulcers, it may be used to lessen nausea, vomiting and flatulence and to stimulate the digestive system. It has powerful local antiseptic and mild anaesthetic actions.

Cloves contain sesquiterpenes, these have been shown to have significant activity in inducing certain detoxifying enzymes. Cloves have a great parasite killing ability, no other natural substance has been found to be as effective at killing the eggs of parasites in the body.

Powerful Combination
Used in conjunction with Wormwood and Black Walnut, it makes an unbeatable combination in the battle against parasites.

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