Welcome to Console Guru, home of console repairs!

So, it looks as though you're visiting this page as you have a problem with your gaming console? Well, the good news is we can help!

Is your Xbox Series X console not displaying a picture? Do you have visible damage to the HDMI port? If so, then this is the service you need.

How does it work?

Once you purchase the service, you will receive a message with the delivery instructions and address to post to.

Please package the item securely as we aim to use the same packaging to return your console.

We aim to start work on your console within 24 hours of receipt of the console. We have a guaranteed turnaround of no more than 48 hours.

Also included in the price is return shipping! The console will be shipped back using Royal Mail Tracked 48.

We can also give regular updates on the progress of the repair along with real-time photos. If you would like this, please let us know.

Why pick us I hear you say? Well, that's easy!

We only use the best equipment on the market to carry out the work along with the official manufacturers parts.

We take pride in what we do and are always striving to provide the best possible service for our customers.

Please note that we work on a no fix no fee policy. Please let us know in advance if the console has had a previous repair attempt.

In some cases, when consoles have suffered damage to the HDMI port, this can lead to further damage to a chip on the board called the retimer. If this is the case with your console, we will inform you before any further work is carried out to discuss.